Update on San Cristobal and answers to NtL XXII and the evil riddle

Volcano News:
San Cristobal erupted in Nicaragua and forced mass evacuations BBC.
Nicaragua’s San Cristóbal volcano erupts with 4 km ash plume
Volcandiscovery News

Foto from the BBC site

More Info:
GVP San Cristobal
Volcanodiscovery facts on San Cristobal
Wikipedia San Cristobal

Ranking for Name that Lava 9.9.2012

10 Spica
8 Sissel
7 DFMorvan
5 KarenZ
5 Ursula
5 Diana Barnes
4 Talla
3 Chryphia
3 Schteve
2 Renato Rio
2 Doug Merson
2 Hattie
2 Irpsit
2 Stephanie Alice Halford
2 Lisa
2 Henri, Liet Kynes
2 UKViggen
1 Topey
1 Inge B
1 Heather B
1 Jamie
1 Jim
1 Luisport
1 Alan C
1 Bobbi

An extra point if this is solved within an hour! Good luck. Update: The extra point was not scored!

The image was sent in by mysterious Dinger, who’s identity will be concealed unless he wants it to be known and who also asked the questions.

1) Q: What am I?    A: Trachybasaltic lava flow
2) Q: Where am I?   A: Etna southern flank
3) Q: When was I born?   A: 2001 (eruption from new cone above Monte Silvestri)
4) Q: What is the local savoury ‘fruit’?   A: Arancino (fried, breadcrumbed rice ball stuffed with cheese, ham, vegetables etc. Looks like an orange which is why it gets its name)
Winners: Schteve, Renato (2) and KarenZ

ad 1.)
Trachybasalts are fine-grained basic igneous rocks containing plagioclase and alkali feldspar, and pyroxene with no feldspathoids, in which 10-40% of feldspar is alkali feldspar. Trachybasalts are subdivided into hawaiite (andesine, anorthoclase, olivine, augite and biotite), mugearite (oligoclase, orthoclase, olivine, augite and biotite), and benmoreite (anorthoclase, olivine, augite and biotite). Despite their broad mineralogical differences these sub-types can only be properly distinguished on the basis of their compositions. The coarse-grained equivalent of trachybasalt is syenogabbro.

The trachybasalts represent an important crystal fractionation series between alkali basalt and trachyte. They are most commonly associated with ocean island and continental rift magmatism, but are found in a wide range of settings. from https://www2.imperial.ac.uk/earthscienceandengineering/rocklibrary/viewglossrecord.php?Term=trachybasalt

ad 2.) Etna

Image of the day (2001)

John Seach Volcano Live on Etna
Etna Wikipedia
Etna Tremor
Direct link to Etna´s Tremor
Nasa Data on Etna
Posts about Etna by Dr. Boris Behncke  on Dr. Erik Klemetti´s blog Eruptions

Image from the Radiostudio7 Thermal cam. Taken during a paroxysm 2011, ( forgot which). Doesn´t that look like a very colorful painting by an impressionist?


ad 3.) Information on the 2001 eruption: Etna Volcano Info

Eruption 2001

The page for this image no longer exists. But as you can see here, the 2001 did damage to some infrastructure.

A very detailed PDF with lots of graphics by Dr. Boris Behncke and others.

I looked up some recipes and videos how to make them. Even 2 PDFs are now here on VC because more people should try this delicious food.
I am sure its origin was creating something out of left-over Risotto. In just a few words: Mix an egg into a left over Risotto, fill it with other things like Mozarella, form a ball, add a bread crust like with Viennese Schnitzel and deep-fry it.
Alive and Cooking Arrancini Recipe and PDF
Video and PDF

Recipe from JammieOliver.com
Video how to make the (only) Mozarella filled version:
Another recipe

Alan´s evil riddle!

I sound as if my home area is from Eastern Europe-ish! Wrong! You may find a ruffed mouse tho’!
Where is my type locality?
What are my main constituents?
What rarity has been landed on my shores?

The riddle is not yet solved  at the time this post went in. It will be updated with an image once we know the winners.
1 to Kelda for Coelacanth (or Latimeria)

Update: Current ranking: ( last updated 9.9.12)

9 Sissel
6 Talla
5 KarenZ
4 Ursula
4 Kelda
3 Henri le Revenant
3 Chyphria
1 lughduniese
1 purohueso745
1 UKViggen
1 Carl
1 Spica

Riddle #18 was posted in Sheepy Dalek, Name that Lava XXIII
TI sound as if my home area is from Eastern Europe-ish! Wrong! You may find a ruffed mouse tho’!
Where is my type locality?
What are my main constituents?
What rarity has been landed on my shores?


Answer: Ankaramite, type locality Ankaramy, Madagascar, Coelacanth (or Latimeria)
Winners: Kelda, Sissel 2;

Quote Alan: “Ankaramite is a dark porphyritic basanite which has abundant pyroxene and olivine phenocrysts. It contains minor amounts of plagioclase and accessory biotite, … (from Wiki)”
More Info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ankaramite

An excerpt from the answers to Alans evil riddles you can find in the menu under Gems.

145 thoughts on “Update on San Cristobal and answers to NtL XXII and the evil riddle

  1. Trust young Sissel to find the far less common alternative!
    I will give the 2 points here for this one!! 🙂

    I had in mind the far more common Ankaramite, type locality Ankaramy!

    Ankaramite is a dark porphyritic basanite which has abundant pyroxene and
    olivine phenocrysts. It contains minor amounts of plagioclase and accessory
    biotite, … (from Wiki)

    👿 A HINT
    In a few weeks – you won’t know when – you will need all your guile, no answers will be supplied and double points if you get it (or them!!) without help!!

  2. Please post “New Post Is up” in old thread like Carl usually does 😉
    I only notiched new post by chance when refreshing.

  3. Tonight it comes a significant strong gale storm to Iceland. So please if you see tremor shooting upwards you already know what it is.

    Apparently it’s going to be really nasty winds and also widespread snow. I am excited as this might be my first snow! The forecast says snow to where I am (tonight), but so far it’s well above zero at the moment.

    However it has been a quite cold day, and since yesterday the snow blanketed a big part of Hekla, Eyjafjallajokull and many other mountains. You can see that in the webcams!

    I have been this weekend exploring some volcanoes too. Reykjanes, Krisuvík and Bláfjoll. I haven’t felt any earthquake while I was in Bláfjoll (eheh) and activity was very normal in Krisuvík.

  4. The lava in the quiz photo is from the vent on the side of Montagnola. It is labelled as ‘F4’ in the fantastic paper linked by Spica above.

    Here’s a pic of the combined lava field from several separate vents – quiz lava in the foreground. You can see the strange flow lines in the formation. Road across the lava fields up to the cable car station in the background.

    • Very good lava riddle! I was so sure the tracks were made by wheels. I realize I could have seen this with my own eyes when I visited Etna in 2004, but – unfortunately not.
      At least I had a walk on the edge of the Silvestri crater.
      Spica’s Etna ash samples come from this place somewhere.

  5. hey up! my last comment has disappeared……… This comment to say the phantom seismometer kicker was up and about again at 08.00 at Chie. http://www.ign.es/ign/head/volcaSenalesAnterioresDia.do?nombreFichero=CHIE_2012-09-09&ver=s&estacion=CHIE&Anio=2012&Mes=09&Dia=09&tipo=1. .
    My last comment, i case it has floated into the ether , never to return said
    Have a look at the ash at jokulsarlon cam. A ferocious wind starting there and what a pity Spica cannot collect some. It must be from Grimmsvoten.
    I suggest the Stand in Dinger could be GeoLurking.
    Congratulations to the winners. Roll on next friday for more fun. 🙂

    • JR from Avcan has made a statement about the above map this is only part of it:

      ,,The truth is that it seems to be a constant in all the Islands, that there are negative anomalies in the North of the Islands and positive to the South, that would give meaning to what we are seeing: magmatic intrusion from eruptions in the South and the North. Note that the strongest anomalies are to the North of La Palma and El Hierro, the Islands with the most recent volcanism,,

  6. @Dragons:
    There are 3 comments in the trash-box that I can’t really understand why they have been trashed.
    I guess that there is a reason they have been trashed, but I do not get the why´s of them. So, please take a look at the trash-box, and if you are the one who have trashed them, please take them out completely, and also, send a mail about the why. Reason for me wanting to know is that I am annoyingly curious when I find conundrums like this laying about.

    @The rest:
    Isn’t it horrible when we do this? :mrgreen:

  7. @All of the Plotters:

    Recomment so it woun’t get forgotten:

    Before reading this comment any longer than this. While reading, add an ample supply of “ifs, buts, maybes, perhapses, and could bees”.

    Something anomalous is happening in Katla. General GPS figures are moving in patterns that are pointing towards what could in the end be resulting in some sort of unrest. It could though equally well just end up with a large dyke emplacement, sill emplacement, or formation of a new cryptodome that is stable of the non eruptive type.
    But, the movement is clear, it is not only up component motion, it also contains clear EW and NS components. Not all stations show this, but quite a few.
    This could also in theory be isostatic rebound.

    Worst case scenario could be that this is a larger emplacement of fresh magma. But we need more data, and especially a plot of Katlas GPS motion showing how the movement is overlaid on a map.

    The reason I am calling for plots is that this motion is above normal background motion and merrits attention.

    Here is a link to all GPS stations.

    Daily Fail: No, this is not the start of the end of the world, moroons.

    • I know exactly what will happen (red dots all over the plot and then all blows up) only not when. *note no ifs or such*

        • Yes, not forgetting the Green Stars (excluding them from Hollywood, mostly pale ones, as they are gone and Crowe has stopped complaing about swim in sea near Katla, having go up a mountain to go to work, enduring ash storms, sleeping in a lusy tent that blew away in morning breeze, and eating Skyr, yuck). I guess one or two, maybe four or five. Suggest IMO introduce “new stars” to put on their maps. It seems every time them pop up, roads gets blocked and no snow in sight! 😉

    • Hmm, sincerely I am not fond of the idea of a Katla eruption. Yes it is going to be spectacular as seen from my home (and safe as well), but its just more unwelcomed ash. I think the eruption is highly likely within the next 5 years, but when, we do not know. I bet for next year.

    • Carl, I don’t see any special inflation. A little bit in ENTA but nowhere else. But that has been going on for several years (also in Austmannsbunga). Compared to Eyjafjallajokull we still miss sudden notorious inflation in several stations.

      • I have personaly spoken with Sigrun at HI and she said itmay be seasonal, also Snaebyli meter is a noisy place. In fact you can see it dropped back down today. Or maybe she is wrong and the next Eldgja eruption is getting ready.

    • Diana,
      is that what they call the dead zone? I’ve always thought it was further south, parallel or including Laki fissure system (between Hehla and Grimsvötn)…
      I must go back through all posts again…

      • Diana, the last earthquakes were located NE of Tungnajokull, which is the small glaciar visible to the NW of Vatnajokull. The earthquakes are placed north of it. To its east you have Trolladyngja, a massive shield volcano belonging to Bardarbunga, site of a massive lava eruption some thousand years ago. It’s also a kind of dead zone in there too.

        But our known “dead zone” is the region to the west of Vatnajokull, and northeast of Katla (Myrdalsjokull), between both. This region has the southwest fissure of Bardarbunga called Veidivotn, which is best seen in Myrdalsjokull earthquake map at the NE of Torfajokull (where the river Tungnaá) crosses. NE of Katla is the Edgjá fissure (where the triangle sign NE of Katla is). Further east is Laki fissure (which belongs to Grimsvotn) but in Myrdalsjokull earthquake map you only see the space where Edlgjá fissure is; Laki is further east.

        You can see the region of Laki fissure best in Vatnajokull earthquake map. To the west of Vatnajokull and will see a long lake called Langisjór. This actually belongs to a fissure of a smaller third volcano system between Bardarbunga and Grimsvotn called Loki-Fogrufjoll. South of Langisjór you will have Laki. North of Langisjór you will have Veidivotn. At to its NE you will see an indent of the ice cap; that’s where Hamarinn is located and you often see earthquakes marked there.

        To see the dead zone at its best, go to Google Earth and see all miriad of parallel fissures to the west of Vatnajokull. Lost among them is Veidivotn to the north, and Eldgja and Laki to the south (only visible if you magnify the area)

        By the way, Bardarbunga is also visible in Vatnajokull earthquake map, as the tallest mountain at the NW edge of Vatnajokull (second tallest in Iceland). Oraefajokull volcano (the tallest in Iceland) is the tall moutain at the south edge of Vatnajokull. Grimsvotn is where the triangle (station) is in the middle of Vatnajokull. NE of it, there is an indent in the glaciar, that is Kverfjoll volcano.

        (passing through Hamarinn)

        • the “(passing through Hamarinn)” end line is a typo!

          To Renato: the Bardarbunga fissure actually SW of the central volcano, running across Hamarinn, then crossing the Veidivotn lake region (NE of Torfajokull) and terminates across the north edge of Torfajokull. Its long no?

          To the NW of Torfajokull there is still a long of old fissures. This is also a “dead zone”, with some eruptions occuring once in a while there, but not as large as the fissures to the NE of Torfajokull. The fissures there are of unknown central volcano origin. They are belonging to Hekla at the GVP website, but that is not correct. Likely there are still Bardarbunga fissures.

          Why are all these Bardarbunga fissures and not Torfajokull? Fair question. That’s because when an eruption happens, it first starts to the NE of Torfajokull as black tephra and abundant basaltic magma. Then, the fissure opens further SW and triggers an eruption also at Torfajokull volcano. The eruption there is rhyolite, with pink tephra and thick acidic magma erupted. Both are not only lava-producing but also explosive because there is a high water table at the region. This co-happening eruptions at both volcanoes occurs often. It has occurred at least 6 times since the ice age, and 2 times since Vikings settle Iceland: the 870 and 1477 eruptions, both producing huge amounts of both lava and ash at Veidivotn, Bardarbunga and also Torfajokull, at same time.

        • Irpsit says:

          …Both are not only lava-producing but also explosive because there is a high water table at the region. This co-happening …

          Which causes a feature known as “rootless cones.” These are where the magma flow has a cone poking up where the terrain’s water boiled (exploded) up through the magma. No actual conduit, therefore no “root.”

    • No Duana. This is well outside the dead zone, dead zone is between Torfajökull and Vatnajökull. And Yes, Rio, Laki is included. Thats also why we do not mention ´tubo ther at all happening every 240 years or so. *lurking mode off*

        • Do Icelanders really call it “dead zone” – never heard mentioned it by this name (only here in this blog)? I thought Icelanders call the zone between Torfajökull and Vatnajökull “Eldheröð” (the Fire Districts). 🙂

          • Ha, somthing went wrong in translation. I do not know this, nor that it matter, “Dead Zone” is used here for descriptive reasons – Few or no earthquakes – Usually – I do not remember who coined it first, a long time lurker I guess. We (Icelanders) usually talk of Veiðvötn area (Veiðivatna-svæðið) or Laki-crater area (Lakagíga-svæðið). Fjallabak is more to west, area between Tindfjöll, Hekla and Myrdalsjökull and west of Torfajökull. Many areas have their own “nicknames”, that perhaps change over time. Old term in Iceland for eruption is as simple as it goes, simply fire(s) (Skaftár-eldar).

        • Maybe we should start calling it by the real name, like Inge points out: Eldheröð
          Or for more confortable English, the “fire district” or the “fire zone”. Or to be scientifically correct: Veidivotn zone, Laki zone or Eldgjá zone.

          • No such a word, that is not Icelandic language!
            Something not right here, sorry. Inventing a word does not count.

          • Ah, Eld-héröð (Fire-county, district, etc.) that had a missing ´ over e – so indeed spelling error, but no, not real or correct use of Icelandic written language. Its “translated such” in some German text about the Laki-fires (according to Google), but thats not a proper name of the area either.

    • All this “they call this” being bandied about. It’s not “they,” It’s “we” since we came up with the term. Sort of a colloquialism specific to Volcanocafe. Much like “Bob” isn’t really the name of the thing SW of La Restinga, and it isn’t really known as a jacuzzi.

      Our terms are in place so that we can discuss the items in question. But I think the jacuzzi term actually made it to the mainstream press at some point.

      Personally, I like “Dead Zone” since it can be applied to several different areas. Not really “The” dead zone, more of “A” dead zone. For it to be a dead zone, logically, there should be some sort of background seismicity there based on the history of the feature(s), but there isn’t.

      A post that I did the graphics for quite some time back, but never was actually released (if it was written) indicate that the region in question is… err.. “quite hot” at the typical depth of earthquakes… and may be too pliable for a quake generating fracture to occur.

      The biggest problem with the not posted post, is that I did not have a really firm (authoritative) starting temperature for the simulations that I ran. Even if my starting temps were 400°C off, that region probably can not have a quake… at least none at the small scales.

      Of the previous fissure eruption locations, Vatnaoldur and Vedivotn are the least likely to have small quakes. There is just that much residual heat left over from the previous eruptions.

      • FYI
        Vatn-a-öldur = Lake-waves(hills)
        Veiði-vötn = Fishing-lakes
        *othervise you get this much better than Irpsit & others*

  8. Well – flattered (actually slightly embarrassed!) to be mentioned in the same breath as BB. And the idea of GeoLurking having a son that plays rugby is interesting, though far from inconceivable. Someone has hit the nail on the head, though.

    Incidentally, I inadvertently ‘outed’ myself on the previous thread, but only if you know where to look!

    GL Edit: “…And the idea of GeoLurking having a son that plays rugby…”


        • Not really, soon over…
          But I am one of those guys who thinks that as long as he has asked and the Lady in question have said yes, we are well and truly married and the rest is just formality…
          Call me traditional or something. 🙂
          Believe me, there will be a Wedding Day special… I am worried about it allready 😉

    • Diana B. thought that the Mystery Dinger was you!
      I have subsequently surprised myself by seeing just how many rugby clubs there are in the US. Even in the South. And they are increasing in number and popularity. Maybe it’s the backlash – a final dawning that it’s more fun to smash into your opponents without a foot-thick layer of cottonwool, shoulder pads, helmets and body armour!

  9. Interesting article on Santorini which states a giant balloon of magma has inflated under Santorini only a small part translated.

    ,,A new study published in ‘Nature Geoscience’ suggests the Chamber rock melted under the volcano of Santorini expanded between 10 and 20 million cubic meters – up to 15 times the size of the London Olympic Stadium – between January 2011 and April 2012.The growth of this “balloon” of magma has made the island surface amounts between 8 and 14 centimeters during this period, according to a team of researchers led by scientists at the University of Oxford. The results come from an expedition funded by the Natural Environment Research Council the natural environment Research Council images that used the Global Positioning System receivers and radar satellite GPS, for its acronym in English which can detect movements of only a few millimeters of the Earth’s surface.,,

    The full report which will need to be translated can be read on:


    • It’s a sizeable intrusion of magma, about 9-16 cubic km.

      Basically if 10% of that magma erupts (not counting with old magma), then we will have a 1-2 cubic km eruption, which is a large VEI4 to a small VEI5 sized eruption. This is roughly slightly larger than the previous eruption of Grimsvotn. The 2011-2011 inflation of Santorini is however a bit smaller than the one observed for Grimsvotn before its 2011 eruption.

      I think Santorini at the very least will do a VEI4, similar to Eyjafjallajokull, if not something identical to Grimsvotn.

  10. Big gale just starting now in Iceland. The wind is rapidly picking up. In Jokulsarlon you can see the old ash from Grimsvotn blowing towards and covering the webcam image.

        • I have been currently taking some time travelling around Iceland. I spent the day in Reykjanes but I knew about the storm coming, so I came home. Tomorrow is day to be off the road, because of the snow and storm. Here it’s only 3ºC and gradually stronger winds. This is going to be really nasty for the careless tourists currently driving around Iceland.

          • Saw something interesting a week or so ago. I had the misfortune of having to use Hwy 98 to get somewhere. Usually, I avoid it like the plague. At the time, we were under the threat of Isaac, and no one other than those who lived around there were to be seen. The traffic was markedly different in the way it flowed.

            This allowed me to come up with a theory about why Hwy 98 is so disliked by me. There are two sets of people, with two entirely different mind sets on that road. “The Lost”, and “The Arrogant”. I guess I really should add the “Leave me the @#$ alone”, so that would make Three. With the Isaac threat, “The Lost” were nowhere to be seen, making the presence of the other two groups stand out quite well.

            I guess I am part of the third group.

          • So, did Isaac do anything to either increase or decrease the bathing salt zombies?

            By the way, it seems to be a cultural thing, the bathing salt zombies in the rest of the world seem to be running around naked jumping up and down on cars in shopping malls omitting the brain eating part.

          • Dunno… the media seems to have lost interest. I guess this will go the way of the Goat mutilator of Ft Walton Beach. (over a period of a few years, someone has been leaving decapitated goats around the city. The last one I heard of was near the library.)

          • I may have spoken too soon.

            According to the News, (WFLA), The Florida Highway Patrol is not releasing details about why one of their officers shot somebody in a Cemetery.

            The Officer is on administrative leave while it is investigated, reportedly the recipient of the shooting is in the hospital.

  11. Evenin’ all x
    Just been going through the post again (thanks Spica, enjoy Tenerife) the articles by Boris Berncke (on Eruptions Blog and the pdf about the 2001 eruption) are fantastically detailed yet very readable for the amatuer (me) highly recommended. 🙂
    Etna is an interesting volcano, prone to eccentricity, with a potentially discernable “cycle;” highly active; (a lull at Etna means a 20 year respite!!!) Yet there are only 80 proven fatalities (according to BB) Etna is known locally as the friendly volcano…

    • Aaannd @ Spica,
      Tenerife Tips (I’m not on commission):
      Mi Tasca in La Paz urbanisation, Puerto de la Cruz is a pretty good spot for typical Canarian food, try the Vino del Pais, they keep it in a barrel behind the bar.
      The 357 bus to Icod de los Vinos from Puerto de la Cruz (or the other way) is well worth a euro, you get a spectacular view of an actual Tsunami -scale collapse of the Canary Islands; Valle de La Oratava. DebbieZ mentioned a particularly good Areparia (Arepa: a pasty/samosa/pie/fajita type dish introduced by returnees from South America) in La Guancha which is on this route.
      You could have a night at the Parador del Teide for the best schtargazing, it’s usually way above cloud level and it’s the only place to stay in Teide National Park, I’ve never been up there at night myself, but I plan to next time…

      • Oh thanks for the tips, I ll do that, we are staying in the North. Found a nice cosy place via recommendation of a friend who has been going there for over 20 years. It is close ( but not too close) to a bus station but i might rent a car to get around easier. The mate and me always go with ideas but without a fixed plan what to do when. We decide according to recommendations, the weather and local information. It helps that i speak spanish ( and stubbornly refuse to use any other language even if i do lots of mistakes.) The locals normally appreciate that and i had the best experiences on Gran Canaria Lanzarote and Fuerteventura.
        Skywatching was one of my plans , i ll take my laptop with Stellarium on it with me. ( And a handheld paper version if the laptop ran out of batterie.) ( And warmer clothes because it can become pretty chilly when trying to watch stars from a higher altitude.)

      • No wonder u know all about gas(es), er.. that ribs, lamb or pork ???
        *goes back to kicken looking for more snack*

      • Pork ribs.

        Cooked very slowly. Minimal heat for about 2 hours. Bring them up to about 73 to 75°C core temp and hold it there until the wife gets done with her part of the meal preps. They come off quite tender. I generally split off the ribs just before I pull them from the grill.

        Lamb is too pricey here. Though it’s a staple meat outside the US, it’s considered a specialty thing here. I’ve been keeping an eye on the freezer where I buy meat, but have yet to see them actually have gator in stock, though it is listed for about $6 to $8 per pound. (Farm gator).

        • Here Lamb is mostly cheaper than other meats, Pork, Chicken and Beef included. Price here really is how good quality it is. Slow cooking is not recommended (my opinion), it can be dangerous if meat is old or stored improperly, especially if Salmonella is involved.

          • Which is why it’s a steady climb to 73 to 75°C. Once there I hold the temp for anywhere from 30 min to an hour. That’s what you need to kill off the baddies, and I periodically stick the meat to check the temps.

            My pork ribs go into individual vacuum bags once they get home from the grocery store, and then remain frozen until it’s time to cook them. (I can’t justify cooking three slabs at once, that’s too much cooked meat to keep refrigerated.)

  12. Arthritic knee has woken me up and VC is being used for excellent pain management. Reading and discoveries takes the mind away from pain location and is replaced by brain pain from dealing with new thoughts .
    Thank you Irpsit, Islander and Geolurking for the detailed descriptions of the ” Not Dead Zone”and all the comments that have helped me. Your descriptions irpsit are so clear and so helpful. They really make me feel that I am getting to know Iceland more than being a real tourst.
    Of course exploring and visiting on line leaves out the other senses of touching, hearing and smelling. But I can imagine the sharpness of the rocks or the lonely cry of nesting birds and the soft , gentle rustling of the wind in the tufted grasses. The smells of the sea I miss so much here. I was brought up with salt water in my veins and I am often “homesick” for the feel of the ocean winds.
    OK! OK! Geolurking is not the mystery Dinger. Rugby? The Mystery Dinger Hates WordPress !!!!

  13. Sometimes… knowledge is hard fought.

    I just pissed away about 2 hours working through formulas only to discover that the magnitude scale that I was trying to convert from… was the very same scale that I was converting into.

    MW is the moment magnitude. (I should have remembered reading that).

    Wells and Coppersmith have a paper that present formulas that allow you to estimate the size of the physical rupture for an earthquake. The input scale for the formula, is “M.” I’ve used it some, but not alot, seeing as I wasn’t really confident that the USGS listed magnitudes, or that the IMO or IGN magnitudes were compatible on the low end. USGS has been my focus since a lot of the really weird stuff shows up in their listings.

    Using the detailed info from USGS on the quakes, I developed a table equating MW to Mo (the energy released, in Newton-meters). Grinding through Wells/Coppersmith, who does do the calculation of “M” from the Mo, but in dyne-cm. Scurrying about, I found that 1 dyne-cm = 1 x 10^-7) Newton-meters. Cobbling together the conversion… I noticed that all my calculated “M” values are pretty close to the MW values.

    Hmm… I expected them to track, but not that well. I got a sigma of 0.04. With a 99% confidence interval of 0.02 Magnitude. That uh… pretty much means that it’s the same scale.

    Poke around some more and its the classic face-palm. “MW is moment magnitude.”

    Now all I have to do is to grind my noggin through IMOs “M” and “ML” scales. I have a feeling that “M” at IMO is going to wind up being “MW” also.

    Why the hassle? Well, I’m working on looking at the dead zone. By my reckoning, it takes more than a piss-ant quake to make a signal there. It would have to be pretty significant since the zone is still “quite hot” (as I noted earlier) This means that the stress loading would have to be faster than the very plastic like crust can ooze/creep. I did run across a listing of the historical quakes in Iceland (and Norway.. for some reason) so I’ll have more to chew on should next week turn out to be slow.

  14. Off topic for those living in iceland – Looks like Hurricane/ Tropical Storm Leslie is heading in your direction and will reach you wednesday with an uncomfortably high probability that it will still be one heck of a storm…. so I wouldnt plan any hiking trips up any volcanoes for a couple of days.

    See http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/text/refresh/MIATCDAT2+shtml/100342.shtml? for discussion
    See http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at2+shtml/054855.shtml?3-daynl

    • Thanks for the tip, current one is still raging. Massive powerline ruptures in north East (Thats unusual given time of year). No Global warming, seems plenty of snow too!

  15. it has been getting a bit warmer in the day, 2 warm days then three cold ones and frost again this morning, but was a warm 19 and sunny, winter isn’t done yet, I am doing some more PC work, printers/fax/mobile HD and some programs I bought to install, that will keep me busy tonight

  16. Oh guys, life can be such a …….. ehm, an interesting thing…
    It’s heartwarming that I was suspected of appearing in heavy disguisement, but no. I’d be too proud to stay on top of a commenter list again. Even if it’s only with bantering as long as I have clever things to say, but I’m just a bit like a running around. I’m not easily loosing my direction, and have not, but the “diversity” of challenges life offers sometimes can be a little bit annoying.

    Whatever. I’m still a follower. And don’t dream you might have got rid of me. I’ll be back, as a famous charakter said in an epic movie…

    Best thoughts out to all of you nutty volcanolovers.

  17. We asked for posts some time ago and Lucas Wilson sent one promoting his new Bulletin. As long as he is on holiday soon, just like Alan will be wandering around in Scottland and i am gonna make Tenerife an unsafe place, it goes in now.. So especially for Islander in flaming colors
    New post is up!!

    Expect some posts by Bobbie, Talla, Karenz and a new riddle idea by Summer soon!!!

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