The most dangerous volcanoes of the world! Talk part III

My choice of the most dangerous volcano of the world: I have to agree with quite a few people here on Volcanocafé. The most dangerous one is one which has been dormant for a long period of time and suddenly starts to wake up. Even more so if this sleeping giant lies in a densely…

The pain filled issue with Ischia

  The World’s most ill begotten piece of real estate – Part III The Chinese have a saying, “May you live in interesting times”. And it is in no way a friendly thing to say; on the contrary it is a rather magnificent curse. In Naples people live all their lives in interesting times. If…

Monte Somma & Vesuvius

The World’s most ill-begotten real estate, Part II Monte Somma is an old volcano, activity started 400 000 years ago. Over the next 375 000 years a massive strato-volcano was built up at around the same location as todays Vesuvius. The main geological component is guarinite, an epitaxy of hiortdahlite, wöhlerite and låvenite. There is no known…