Activity at El Hierro + Volcano of the Month

As time goes by we understand more and more about the activity under El Hierro. The Canarian Hotspot has several plumeheads reaching up under the volcanically active islands in the Island chain. It seems that for unknown reasons the activity has changed at depth so that El Hierro has become far more active than previously.…

El Hierro going bananas?

I have for quite some time had an issue with the Mogi-model as soon as it is used outside of a central volcano. At a central volcano it makes sense to use a point sourced half sphere as a model for predicting amount of magma intruding into the system from given GPS-coordinates. If only the…

El Hierros center of activity & Riddles

During the last few days activity has continued at El Hierro even though earthquake activity has decreased a lot. Harmonic tremor is though still increasing and GPS uplift is rather dramatic with maximum values at 75mm. With a bit of internet-spelunking I have tracked down where the maximum activity is, an indicator of where a…