The Long Wait?

Yesterday, the Bardarbunga crisis celebrated its first month. As our readers have already remarked, the IMO has put out an update that summarises the earthquake data over the past month. In all, some 25,000 earthquakes have been registered by the automated system of which no less than 5,900 have been manually checked by a seismologist.…

Mount Chiginagak

Mount Chiginagak sits some 600 km southwest of Anchorage, roughly situated on the Alaska Peninsula between Aniakchak and the Katmai Volcanic Complex.  It is a single peak that tops out at just over 2,200 M.  The peak itself is composed primarily of andesitic and pyroclastic layers.  It also has basalt lava flows with some evidence…

Mount Fuji (Fujisan)

Mount Fuji  (Fujisan) Mount Fuji, an iconic stratovolocano and Japan’s highest mountain 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft), is 100 km south west of Tokyo (and is also one of the few volcanoes I have actually visited -but not climbed!).  She is a cultural heritage site.  According to UNESCO and Wikipedia, “Mount Fuji has “inspired artists and…

The Azores volcanology. Part 1

The Azores Islands The Azores is an autonomous region of Portugal, situated in the Atlantic Ocean 1500 km west of Lisbon. It’s an archipelago of nine islands, scattered over 600 km. The Azores settlements began first on two eastern islands, Santa Maria and São Miguel (grupo oriental) in 1439 and then on Terceira in 1450, on…

Réunion Island

Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, etc., etc., to everyone out there. Since it is cold, wet, and nasty outside my home today in North Carolina, I decided to head to warmer climes for this little essay – specifically, Réunion Island. Réunion Island is a small island in the Indian Ocean that has been under the…