A Look at the Overall Picture

One of the more persistent reader questions is “What will/can happen now?”. I am pretty convinced that this question is what occupies most people on the inside of IMO, Allmannavarnir and NordVulk as well. The words of several eminent vulcanologists, that this episode is unprecedented, indicate that this may indeed be so. But in order…

Summer in Iceland

I thought that I should write a short recapitulation on what has been going on during the summer in Iceland for those who have been otherwise occupied with gardening, beach visits and other general summer activities. I also think that it would be good with a general recapitulation for everyone. As always I am not…

Update on Herðubreið

The earthquake swarm at Herðubreiðartögl has now continued unabated for four days without a letup, during the first two days there were 4 earthquakes above M3 with the largest earthquake at M3.9 and by now the count of earthquakes has passed 1 000. As such this is not the largest earthquake swarm to hit this volcano,…