Sheepy Dalek – Name that Lava XIV

Last week gave no changes in the top, we still have a mighty quintuple in the lead. Let us see if someone this week will be able to pull ahead. Also, we have two new persons on the list, KarenZ and Cryphia got 2 points each.

This week we are asking you for the name of the volcano (1 point), name of both lavas in the picture (same person must give both lavas in the same answer (1 point) and the name of the longterm inhabitant at the top (1 point). So 3 points can be won.

The Score is:
3 Diana Barnes
3 Lughduniense
3 DFMorvan
3 Talla
3 Ursula
2 Doug Merson
2 Hattie
2 Schteve42
2 Birgit
2 Irpsit
2 Stephanie Alice Halford
2 KarenZ
2 Cryphia
1 Jim
1 Luisport
1 Heather B
1 Jamie
1 Henri le Revenant
1 UKViggen
1 Alan C
1 Sissel
1 Bobbi

Here comes the next instalmetn of  Evil Alan’s Riddle

For clarification, the part in italic is the actual riddle:
I’d a crazy idea to give another mineral riddle, but I couldn’t think of one this week!

And here are the two-part question that forms the answer:
What’s my more volcanic name? Where am I found?

Alan C

Personal note from Carl

As some of you know I am about to get married. For unfathomable bureaucratic reasons we can not obtain the necessary visa for this without Hailey going to her home country, and during that time I am not allowed to go abroad. Apparantly the wisdom of EU has decided that it should be forbidden for people who are applying for relationship visa to be together during the process. And to prevent that I have to stay put in Sweden.

This will take a staggering 6 to 8 weeks due to alarming bureaucratic efficiency.

So, it is with a sad heart I have to tell everyone that I can’t go anywhere this summer. In the end I am choosing my wife before volcanoes. I know that it is an odd choice…


214 thoughts on “Sheepy Dalek – Name that Lava XIV

    • Hmm… it looks very different from Torfajokull. I was not in every part of Torfa, but it looks not it.

      • There are other, colourful Icelandic rhyolite outcroppings – Kerlingarfjöll, Prestahnukur, Landmannalaugar, Dyngjufjöll etc – but what about “the longterm inhabitant at the top”? That’s why I went for Torfájökull, I quite like that story.

      • “Everyone hates Ryanair”??
        Sorry about you being stuck and home and good luck with Migrationsverket (hoping that 6-8 weeks is really enough!! – when I was a at-that-time-non-EU student there, my annual renewal of non-EU student permit would take 8-10 months after submission of all documentation (which took 2 months to assemble, so this was a continuous process) 😦 ).

  1. No clue, first wild guess Dali Rock Desert, Salar De Uyuni, Bolivia. If so the inhabitant might be a vicunia ( a sort of lama)

  2. Now one more gets to hate E.U. (Coal & Steel Union), and agree on Ryan-Air, and stick it where it really belongs (bodypart witheld) … $%&&%$%#” (please excuse my language, but before this I had one really large reason for hate of EU Bureucratic Processes). So move BBQ back some time more convinient? Gives Carl et al. (all) more time to win or lose, but keep already done meat hats in “minus 33 Deg C” until then.

    • Oh I am going, but at a later date.
      Both me and “Hailey” are dead set on spending our honeymoon on Iceland.

    • Good find Charly,
      My Spanish is not quite up to it; (human) translations of the captions anyone?

    • Thanks charly !

      seems there are still some ash (cenizas). So we could say that the eruption is still going on ? other information is that there is some strong degasification.

  3. Volcano: Licancabur
    Inhabitant: Phoenicopterus andinus
    That should put me into the lead with one point up for grabs 🙂

    • P.S.
      If by some miracle, I’m right that last sentence was meant to be sacastically self- effacing, not arrogant x

  4. Seems like the Andes to me.. But any guess would be a wild one so I’d leave it to others. Oh and yeah, everyone HATES Ryanair.

    Any plans for a honeymoon Carl? Something volcano-ish?

    • part of his plans was Iceland Scheepy Dalek BBQ and some adventure travel, now I do not have a clue

      • Yeah and bureaucrazy sucks. The Eu has so many sensless rules, if that time coming up with such nonsense would have been spent doing something useful, we d be far better off. But that CArl chooses his wife over volcanoes is a wise choice. Volcanoes dont run away, and we all know times, like a few weeks,is hardly ever really an issue for a volcano.

    • Hello Pieter!
      Iceland is still our choice for Honeymoon. We will just have to take it later.

      • Oh that is a marvelous choice! Beats the heck out of those cliche honeymoons to tropical destinations in my opinion. I wish you all the happiness in the world, and look on the bright side: a whole summer to look forward to an amazing moment. 🙂

  5. Andes, and Bolivia. I also think this is Licancabur. Ahh, How I dream of going there!

    Inhabitants: there were the Incas, nowadays Atacameños, and tourists which visit the beautiful salt lakes nearby

    Lava? Rhyolite (for sure) and andesites.

    PS: no, its not Torfajokull.

  6. Carl: its sad to hear that. So, I really did not understand that burocratical process? How does that works? I ask this because I might be in a similar situation to you in the future. What nationality is your dear one?

    By the way, happy wishes and congratulations!

    • She is from a country to the East of the EU. But that does not really make a difference as long as they are from outside of the EU. Some countries like Iceland have separate agreements making it a hell of a lot easier.
      Thing is that you are not allowed to apply for a Visa in any other place than your homecountry, and you are not supposed to meet under that time. And since we both have passports that are quite filled with travell stamps I got hocked with not being allowed to travell during the time. (God Heavens if we snicked a kiss in some faraway country… Much worse then the Greek economy)

      • I just dont understand in my purest human brain why the application of your wife VISA must dictate that you cannot travel. That is a plain weird rule.

  7. More than Ryan Air, I hate Sky Europe. It went bankrupt and never gave my cancelled ticket money back 😀

    I also dont enjoy the EU now. I was totally into EU some 10 years ago, and despite that I still favour much the European free trade, borders and movement of people. But the joined currency and disaster politics is getting us into a mess. But I dont wish it to break up, that would be a huge mess. Volcanoes are easier…

    • Volcanoes are a mess in action, but only beautiful afterwards, may that apply to EU, nah.. dont think so.

    • I haven’t made any comments about Europe since I am not from there, and my point of view is distinctly US centric. One aspect of being in the US, as a group of united “states” is that at the federal level, all states play by the same rules. This falls into the realm of how the money works, and how federal programs such as social security works. (pensioners).

      The one thing… that I see, that really perplexes me, is how one country in the EU can have the age for pensioners set at several years lower than another country?

      Essentially, some people have to work your arse off for several more years to pay for someone who retired at a much younger age… and no longer contributes to the “system.”

      If this question offends anyone… my apologies in advance.

      (I’m German by decent, though my dad did get detained for being German… in the US Army… after graduating boot camp.)

      • It’s only by two votes that the US House of Representatives choose English over German as the official language and wouldn’t the world have been a different place then! USA would have acted quite differently in WW I for starters which means a certain Bavarian painter’s apprentice wouldn’t ever have had his chance.

      • EU is not like the united states, every country has its own laws, Some are forced on them by the EU, almost all laws like those have to do with currency ( the Euro) or trade ( like the very essential law which tells you how big and how bent bananas have to be to be allowed to be traded in an Eu- country). Stuff like retirement or taxes (and immigration and and and) are up to the individual state. The big huge problem we have with some countries now, whoes budgets are desasterous,is because we have one currency but not one law system. And in case you often hear about the Euro bailout fund, Greece got billions more than one time, Ireland got billions once and as far as i heard, Spain will ask for money this weekend, ( and many more countries could apply for such money soon), but politicians dont tell the truth. In reality no inhabitant of those countries got a single cent, all went went to save the banks who had invested in bad bonds. So it is another bank ball out which is just sold to us under a different (incorrect) title.
        (Sorry, rant mode off, but that does get on my nerves)

        • Agreed. Worse still is that during harmnisation legislation, every country tends to hang onto a ‘bit’ of its local national law (usually local oddities) and what we then have is complex regulations with masses of details which create beurocratic nightmares that no company can stick to (unless they are big companies with lots of staff). For the EU to work we have to either accept a US style federation with harmonised economic and social policies or roll back to a common market. At the moment Europe is like trying to be half pregnant – which of course is impossible. We have to go one way or the other as the status quo is unsustainable IMHO. Rant off.

        • Yes, agreed. Also, it’s not really EU that deals with Carl’s future wife’s visa. Immigration policies are also determined by separate countries and while there is the Schengen union which allows a person with a visa to one Schengen country free entry into other Schengen countries, the way to get the visa or residence permit in the first place depends on the first country. And to complicate it all, not all EU countries are in Schengen, which also has some non-EU members (Switzerland, Norway):

          So for example, when I lived in Ireland and had non-EU colleagues who wanted to go to conferences in central Europe, they had to apply for a separate visa every time, because Ireland is not in Schengen and Irish residence permit/visa is not valid anywhere else in EU (they could not even go to Northern Ireland). But when I lived in Sweden and had non-EU colleagues there, this was not an issue, because their Swedish residene permit is a Schengen permit, so they could go anywhere within Schengen area.
          Yes, it’s complicated… But, in Carl’s case, it’s Swedish immigration laws that apply, not general EU laws. Just to clarify. 🙂

      • Ahhh, big question GeoLurking.
        To make a long answer short, each nation of europe is vastly different. Take Germany and France who are deemed to be the engine of european union. Take German population were natality is plumetting(@1.36) and compare to France were we have about 2,1 kids per woman (statistically speaking of course ::-): ) meaning we still have a young population coming up to replace the older people. In 15 years from now Germany will be an old country (or a country of old people) and France will still have some young people to pay for the retirees. But that is only one example and concerning exports, Germany is way ahead of France….mainly for historical reasons and politial and economic choices…

        • My personal belief is that EU will crack in at least two parts.
          The northern and mid countries will in the end go one way out having to different economic systems. Some of the eastern and southern countries will most likely do everything to stay on with them. But within ten years I think the “core” EU will look like this.
          Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Germany, Baltic states, Ceckia, France, Poland, Holland, Austria and Ireland.
          Italy and Greece will have collapsed. Spain and Portugal will be on an upward trend by then and might remain members. Belgium will have ceased to be a country. UK will be some weird sort of ad hoc member (same as today). The eastern parts will be gobbled up by Imperial Russia under the Tzar Putin.
          Only real question in my mind is what to do with Turkey…

          • Turkey will stay as it is because a lot of european states do not want it to get into the union. Personnaly I think it is a mistake beacause I would prefer a Turkey working to adapt to european standards instead of a Turkey going back to a religious regime. Also Turkish elite are (or were) francophile.
            As for Belgium, I am not so sure but there will be more and more federalism. No more Belgium would mean a king in exile and that would be akward.

          • the more things change the more they are the same, if you look at history, Europe as a continent has tried before to no avail, the only way it would work if there was one political/economic system, can’t see that happening, to many differences in the way of life etc.
            USA most likely did choose english over german, it is an easier language for an average population

  8. Laguna Jayu Khota – initially considered an impact crater but now known to be maars.
    Basaltic-trachyanndesite & alkali basalt

  9. Volcano Activity in Italy on Tuesday, 05 April, 2011 at 10:23 (10:23 AM) UTC.


    Updated: Friday, 08 June, 2012 at 17:12 UTC
    Stromboli volcano is in a phase of strong activity. Reports by visitors and images taken with the webcams show that in particular the northwestern vent in the summit crater often produces strong explosions that shower the crater terrace with incandescent lava. Since the last lateral eruption in March 2007, Stromboli has been in a heightened state of activity overall during most of the past years, indicating that magma levels inside the conduit are relatively high. The question is when again the magma finds its way out through a fissure on the flank on Sciara del Fuoco to produce another effusive eruption with a new lava flow.

  10. My guess:

    Volcano: Lascar Volcano, Northern Chile
    Lavas: mafic andesite stratocone; silicic andesite and dacite; Soncor ignimbrite
    Animal: llama.

  11. Alutean-Arc, Alaska, Plinian eruption in Novarupta / Mount Katmai, June 1912; rhyolite, ignimbrite, dacite (see this below..
    “Total ejecta volume was 30-35 cubic kilometers; magma volume was 12-15 cubic kilometers. The ignimbrite vent is marked by a 2-kilometer-wide backfilled depression, near the middle of which is nested the 500-meter-wide vent of the post-ignimbrite plinian dacite eruptions. A blocky rhyolite lava dome (Novarupta) subsequently plugged the inner vent.”
    “Three discrete magmas erupted together, in part mingling syneruptively to yield an abundance of banded pumice: Quartz-hypersthene rhyolite (77.0% SiO2), pyroxene dacite (64.5-66% SiO2), and black pyroxene andesite (58.5-61.5% SiO2). More than half was rhyolite. Because the three vented concurrently and repeatedly after eruptive pauses hours in duration, the compositional gaps between them are thought intrinsic to the reservoir, not merely effects of withdrawal dynamics. K2O contents are 1.3-1.4% at 60% SiO2, 1.8-1.9% at 65%, and 3.2% at 77%. Major element variation trends are nearly identical to those of Mount Katmai and Trident. Linear fractures between Novarupta and Trident strike perpendicular to the volcanic front, raising the possibility that some or all of the 1912 magma was transferred to the 1912 vent from reservoir components beneath Trident; these, in turn, may have withdrawn magma from beneath Mount Katmai, permitting its collapse.
    Now for the guess: Pacific-Salmon, Brown-Bear, Arctic Fox

  12. I also think it is Lascar. Lavas are andesite and dacite.
    Long term occupant – alpaca (just to be different from the other guesses 🙂 )
    As for Alan’s riddle, I haven’t got the smallest idea what that is about… 😦

  13. My little guess:
    Ampato, a dormant 6.288-meter stratovolcano in the Andes of southern Peru,
    andesites, dacites, and maybe ignimbrites;
    Juanita, the “ice maiden”, a 600 year old mummy (sacrificed Inca girl 😦 ) discovered on the slope of the volcano in 1995.

  14. On the subject of long-term residents: Momia Juanita, the Lady of Ampato, certainly stayed there a long time (approxiamtely 500 years).

  15. A long shot at the volcano (based on image search) is:

    Volcano: Heleakala (East Maui)
    Lavas: Hawaiian basalts – tholeiitic basalt shield which grades into a younger alkalic series that was followed by a posterosional alkalic series; mugearite; and, ankaramite lava with spatter and cinder on the surface
    Long term inhabitant: The grandmother of the demigod Maui.

  16. Alan’s riddle:

    Mineral may be Allanite. The mineral occurs mainly in metamorphosed clay rich sediments and felsic igneous rocks. It was discovered in 1810 and named for the Scottish mineralogist, Thomas Allan (1777–1833). The type locality is Aluk Island, Greenland where it was first discovered by Karl Ludwig Giesecke.

    But I suspect that Henri has already found the answer with idocrase.

    • I have a very simple geological view nowadays. I have decided that all rock’s are Alanites.
      My life all of a sudden got much easier. :mrgreen:

  17. Alan’s riddle:
    Your more volcanic name is borolanite and you are found on the shores of Loch Borralan, NW Scotland! Possibly.

  18. Hi guys, I am going to go for Chacani in Peru. The geology part I find really difficult to grasp, so hope this makes sense, andesite, rhyolite. silla ( oligoclase, biotite, quarts)

    • “quarts?”

      Well, Ball Mason Jars come in quart sizes… and they are made of glass… and that is mostly silica… and Quartz is mostly silica.

      So, the way I see it, you are correct either way. 😀

  19. OT. Back from visiting my mum, so I can hang out in the sheepy bar now.
    Judith, I am so glad that things are looking up for you.
    Carl sorry about your bureaucratic issues.
    Dean, I am so sorry for you and your family, so many losses in such a short time. My thoughts are with you. Big hug.

    • thanks Hattie nice of you that you thinking at me it was a funeral i never forget. 2 people together burried is very sad.

  20. Ooof!

    A couple of years ago, I did an experimental run with brewing. Among the things that I made were beer, cider and mead. The cider kicked arse, and I drank it all. The beer… not so well. Frustrated I gave up. I racked down the mead and set it aside. Rummaging around my beer stash, looking for that elusive last bottle of cider that I had in there, I come across the un-touched mead. Crystal clear. Pop the cork and take a sniff… the aroma was extremely rich in alcohol. I ran a sample through the alcohol meter and it come out just below 20%. It has the flavor of not quite a whiskey but extremely strong. I’m guessing the actual percentage is about 18% since saccharomyces quits at about that range. I gave a glass to my stepson who requested that I put aside a bottle for him and his new lady friend. (his divorce is finalized) Now all I have to do is find a time slice where I don’t have to be sober. 😀 I maanged to produce a little over 2 liters.

    And that lapin eukon lemmenjuoma? Mine tastes like paint thinner. I’ll not waste good blueberries like that again. Pancakes and muffins only.

    • Mead is really kick-arse. I do it on oak-barrel. Tastes a lot like whiskey.
      What on earth happened to your blueberry wine? It normally turns out rather nice. Must be some weird finnish recipé you found. Is Jack@Finland the one who gave it to you?

      • No. It’s just some vagary that uses the natural yeast of the blueberry…. that or it’s a taste that is so far removed from what I am used to that I can’t fathom it. Thats why I have the impression of a paint thinner nuance.

        As for the oak barrel, that is the source of your whiskey flavor. I did a sample of gain alcohol (Everclear) cut down to 40% ABV aged in charred maple that came out fantastic. I wish I had done more than a sample. It took two years to age to this point.

  21. There has been a shallow 4.5 EQ Northern Italy but in a different location from the recent ones.

    Magnitude ML 4.5 Region NORTHERN ITALY Date time 2012-06-09 02:04:57.0 UTC

    Location 46.13 N ; 12.54 E Depth 5 km


    235 km S Munich (pop 1,260,391 ; local time 04:04:57.2 2012-06-09)
    80 km N Venice (pop 270,816 ; local time 04:04:57.2 2012-06-09)
    13 km SW Maniago (pop 11,400 ; local time 04:04:57.2 2012-06-09)
    7 km S Barcis (pop 290 ; local time 04:04:57.2 2012-06-09)

  22. In response to:
    Bobbi says:
    June 8, 2012 at 19:20

    LOL – you won’t find the New Madrid in Kansas City! Or are you just looking for a river town?

    I am re-posting this response to you. (What day is it, anyway?) I mentally changed it back to St. Louis. Anyway, my best friend lives in…uhhhhh…one of those. LOL I’ve been hearing I’ve lost it. Whatever. I told my friend to move away from the river. Awesome house though. So she got another place up some hill somewhere, still a-lookin’ at the Ol’ Miss. I said DAYUM, Sandy, my God. Now you will get totally shaken up, AND your hill will collapse into the river and, well, figure out the rest. She just said there’s no pleasing me. Now she has two houses.

    Now to read this current post and find

  23. Brenda Fay B says:
    June 9, 2012 at 03:13

    In response to:
    Bobbi says:
    June 8, 2012 at 19:20

    “…LOL – you won’t find the New Madrid in Kansas City!…”

    No, but you can find the Nemaha Ridge and the Humbolt Fault Zone. Likely, it’s a boundary feature from the Mid Continental Rift that runs down the middle of Lake Superior.

    • Indeed. A slow and steady climb began some 6 – 7 days ago, but over the last couple of months we’ve had sharp rises just like today or yesterday that turned out to be false dawns after which tremor has dropped. It’s as if these constitute a safety valve that prevents tremor from reaching the seemingly critical level of ~7.

  24. dfmorvan hit the Lavas.
    I am not counting Lurkings answer in the last thread, even though it was spot on and first posted. Why? Lurking answered before I posted… A few hours before 😉

    Otherwise I can only say that you are starting to zero it in. I have seen a few closeby answers.

  25. Just that you dont think you are all alone, i am around and just ate lots of spam, and still think it is a place in Bolivia in the Potosí Department. ( though i am probaly very wrong)

    • I just noticed that 8 spams disappeared under my nose 🙂

      But, sofar nobody has hit the bulls-eye, some have though been pretty close.

      • Yeah 15 early morning and one time 2 one time 3, makes 28 today till now.
        I am eating around a little less than 50 a day when i am not working and can be online lots.

        • And I am eating about 20 a day…
          It is odd what the half year of existance did to our spam-rate. I know that Google put you in a different cathegory then, but I did not believe it would make that a big difference.

          • yeah it is around tripple what it used to be till june, and many things like, Your site is not bad but it could be much better if you answered this … and porn and american airways spma letters and electronic cigarettes and of course the inevitable cheap viagra and ( certain male bodayparts) enhancement.

          • I am though nicely surprised at how good Akizmet is at picking them out.
            Yes, sometimes real comments are getting dunked into the Dungeon, but it pretty much never happens that a real spam is let loose on the page.

    • Congrats, i had been thinking Herni was right yesterday though i only thought that after checking the mineral, i have not the slightest idea how he got the idea, never heard of this before. I thought maybe madocite ( because of crazy) but thats not a product made by volcanoes and does not have a second name.

      • I think he is doing a good job of trying to think in the same devious manner as Alan… 🙂

        • Perish the thought! 😯 No, I just got lucky he asked something I knew a bit about, eg. gemmology.

  26. Well Lurking said Andesite-Dacite from Mount Rainier, so if that’s correct, he should at least get the point for the volcano for being prescient!

    • Nah, he was prescient on the lavas, but the volcano was a proof against prescience… 🙂

      • Well, we’ve already had El Plomo and Ampato so that only leaves Aconcagua as a mummy site (young boy) but is that a volcano? You could of course be Alan-devious and count Ampato as part of either the older Hualca or the younger Sabancaya that sits on the saddle between the two.

  27. Department of useless knowledge – It is claimed that inflation at Bolivias Uturuncu volcano is at “supervolcanic” rate, but how much magma has actually been injected to date? Scientists have found that a disc with a diameter of some 70 km has been rising by betwen one and two cm per year since the early 1990s with a figure of 50 cm given as peak value. If we accept an average of 25 cm over the entire area, it works out at 0.96 cubic km this far, hardly supervolcanic. Should this rate of inflation continue , it would take some 50,000 years before we hit VEI 8 with a 30 – 40% rate of eruption. Uturuncu will either have erupted or ceased inflating long before that however.

    • A slight correction, they have been measuring since the early nineties. What happened before that is a different story.
      And, here is a thing I often have an argument with calculations of lava volume. In short it goes like this. For every unit up there is an equal and opposite reaction plus G.
      But let us start by calculating a correct number for the upwards lifting part.
      70000 * 70000 *0,7 (approximate encirclement transfer value from a square) /4 (to get the 0,25m lift on average) = 857 500 000 cubic meters or 0,86 Cubic kilometer. Close enough to Henriks value.
      Now we look at what I said initially. Any uplift has an opposite reaction, in this case by pushing the bottom of the chamber down (pressure part). This gives us 1,72 cubic kilometers of new juicy magma in two decades. Ontop of that we have gravity whacking the poor bottom of the chamber down equal to the shift from gravitetic center. In this case equal amount to uplift. So, we have a combined chamber fill of roughly 2,6 cubic kilometers.
      This might not seem large, but it actually is since it is only after 20 years of movement.
      Let us compare the value with a bonafidé supervolcano that I have in my head.
      That volcano has had an average uplift of 0,032 centimeter per year. The rate of uplift has though varied quite a bit over this time, but generaly been fairly consistent if one bin it up into centuries.

      What is interesting is not the uplift really, it is the size of the area uplifting. We are talking about 3430 square kilometers of ground boffing upwards. The other supervolcano I took the uplift figures from has an uplift area of 160 square kilometers. Next to my example is a next supervolcano, that one has 630 square kilometers of uplift area.
      What then is the uplift area? Well, it is potential. A roof can only inflate a certain amount before breaking, and the governing factor is stabillity of the roof, the second is the size of the roof. An allready erupted supervolcano suffers from massive instabillity in the roof, that is why the secondary calderas almost always are smaller than the first one.
      So, where does that leave us? Well, my examples of Ischia and Campi Flegrei would have a much smaller possible eruptive volume envelope.
      Or to put it like this. I an CF can go into a maximum of a mid-sized VEI-7. Uturuncu could go into a mid-sized VEI-8 due larger roof area and the undisturbed roof.

      What differs between a supervolcano and a normal one is not the rate of intrusion, it is the time they can sustain prolonged inflation.

  28. Cerro Tuzgle, Argentina. Holocene or Pleistocene (disputed) Initially rhyodacitic ignimbrite, and later flows of Andesitic lava.

  29. More possible volcanoes:

    Tunupa (has seven mummys)
    Nevado Ojos

  30. We now have our 3 winners, scoring one point each.
    DFMorvan for the andesite dachite. KarenZ for Llullaillaco, the only volcano known with 6 instances of the letter L. And Ursula found the 3 correct Mummys, one of them decked out as a lightning-rod.

    This put’s DFMorvan and Ursula into a shared lead.

    Tomorrow I will super-size things in a new Post.

  31. Here’s another deep quake at Myrdalsjokull.

    09.06.2012 00:51:09 63.619 -19.104 16.5 km 0.7 99.0 4.4 km N of Hábunga

  32. They have this cheesy arsed “maritime park” they put in across the street from the shit plant. (literally, that’s what it did, process sewage). After much wrangling and skirting of the rules and vote process, they built the damned thing. The city bypassed letting the county residents have a vote on it, and a Florida Judge ruled that the city could not build it since money from the county residents would be involved. So, they juggled the finances to isolate the county money from it and built it anyway. Even at that, the county is on the hook for it if it goes belly up.

    Personally, I think the whole entourage of City and County bureaucrats is corrupt… even though a few of them have been incarcerated over the years, and one even turned up dead the day he was supposed to report for sentencing. (allegedly drank antifreeze).

    So… I generally wish them the worst of luck when they have a shindig. This weekend, they are having the “grand opening” of their Maritime Park.

    I got my wish.

    In the process, they moved the sewage plant. Which is okay… I suppose. Periodically the entire downtown region catches a storm surge from land-falling Hurricanes. The last one, Ivan, put the whole area under 15 feet of water. It smelled of sewage and dead fish for six months afterwards.

    • This is getting a bit ridiculous. We are at about 1.5 to 2 inches per hour. total over the last 24 hours is about 8 to 10 inches.

      Any one need any water? This is about typical for landfalling tropical storms… and all we have is a stalled front sitting right along the coast.

      • nothing unusual about it really, there has been a lot of natural cloud seeding in the northern hemisphere with volcanic eruptions, it take s a few years to get into the higher atmosphere and then vola, enjoy, we humans never like what we have, it always seems to better on the opposite, like the grass is greener on the other side of the septic tank

    • This is a strange hurricane season beginning as there have already been 2 trop storms before the beginning of the season (1st of June). I wonder how it will evolve….

        • Nothing odd about rain in the UK or changeable weather. I once read a US travel guide to the UK. It started with the British pre-occupation with talking about the weather and justified this on the grounds that we do actually have something to talk about, being at the centre of five weather systems.

          However, the European Monsoon usually starts around the first week of Wimbeldon so a bit to go before that starts.

    • Some shots from around town.

      A sheriff’s vehicle. My guess is he won’t be making any rapid responses with it any time soon.

      A local restaurant… notice that the patrons are taking it in stride. Food is food.

      As for early storms for this season, NHC has been very quick of late to name a storm as a storm. Despite this the Global ACE values are at record lows. It’s all about the PR.

      • Impressive.

        I am always intrigued when I see pictures of floods where the electricity still on. I thought that it was supposed to cut out or short out as electricity and water are not a good combination.

        We don’t need water at the moment; we have flooding in Wales; and, even the water companies are saying the reservoirs are filling. But we actually had a sunny afternoon in London! 😀

        • No.. electricity and water are not a good mix.

          Most outlets are fed from vertical drops from the ceiling (really depends on construction codes and the age of the building) so it is now out of the question for receptacles to be on with standing water on the floor. Not safe… but not out of the ordinary.

      • Loved the restaurant picture.
        And the first picture, even though it is flooded the town look rather pretty (pronounced purdy if I remember correctly).

    • And downtown. This shot is roughly in the vicinity of 30.408209° -87.214317° if you want to see just how far it is from the Bay. The surface of the water in the picture is still about four meters above sea level and just hasn’t drained out yet.

    • Ahh… and the priceless photo.

      Their spiffy new ball field. The central piece of the Maritime Park. And yes, that is the bay right behind it. You know, the very same bay that Tristan de Luna parked his fleet when he went out looking for plunder from the local tribes. The very same bay that had a storm surge from a Hurricane that decimated his fleet… that they are still finding ships from… 450 years later.

      Don’t get me wrong, downtown needs all the help it can get, but the ruling class has done everything possible to drive off industry and jobs. It is the only naturally occurring deep water port along this section of coast, and rather than use it, these idiots spend their entire time trying to be Destin FL. Mobile Alabama is the nearest commercially viable shipping port… mainly due to Pensacola running off the business.

        • They have it worse… in my opinion. That is river swell.

          Around here, the problem is short lived, the open ocean isn’t that far away. Does it flood? Yep, quite easily. But it’s only because idiots don’t take into consideration just how much rain can fall in a very short period of time… and don’t allow for that in the drainage systems.

          At one time, a store was built over at the mall, and they did not make the scuppers on the roof large enough. As typical, a gut buster came through and deposited about two feet of water on the roof and it partially collapsed. (water weighs about 64 lb per cubic foot) (1000 kg per cubic meter)

        • It has been a trifle damp here today…

          High tide pushed the water back up the rivers at midday, and quite a lot of houses had a couple of feet of water in them.

          But the sun shone and it was paddling at the sea-side with a difference – down the main road with water over the tops of the wellies… Earlier this morning the current was too fast and several roads were closed – a once in a 100 year storm – they reckon – just too much water over 24 hours. Thanks for the Daily Mail link, Karen – time to name change Morrisons to Lakeland from the looks of it!

      • Snap… Heck I’ve been there.
        I bunkered there. Sweet town, friendly folks and good food is what I remember.

  33. I see the Auric Cupro Telluride buttoned the riddle in quick-time, thinking in my fashion!!
    Time to release a few ‘beasts’ methinks………. 👿

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