Digging for data

Following the motto “Four eyes see more than two” we want to ask the crowd to find links to public earthquake databases from around the world. There are the usual suspects, USGS, EMSC and such, but they only provide events above a certain magnitude. We are also interested in small, local microseismic events which are…

Katmai close to a nova rupta?

Commenter Luisport brought this to my attention. Following close to the centnerian celebration of the Katmai and Novarupta large eruption on the june sixth 1912, the volcanoes in question seem to have a slight case of being hungover. As many of my readers know Novarupta was responsible for the largest eruption during the last 197 years.…

The pain filled issue with Ischia

  The World’s most ill begotten piece of real estate – Part III The Chinese have a saying, “May you live in interesting times”. And it is in no way a friendly thing to say; on the contrary it is a rather magnificent curse. In Naples people live all their lives in interesting times. If…

The Moon and the Moonie

Part I: The Moon This is getting a bit old. Time and time again, someone bops along with the idea that the Moon or the sun causes an increase in seismicity. They climb up on their soapbox and thump their chest denouncing the world (that would be the rest of us) are blind to the…

Earthquake – Focal beach balls

Stand in the place where you live Now face North Think about direction Wonder why you haven’t before Now stand in the place where you work Now face West Think about the place where you live Wonder why you haven’t before If you are confused check with the sun Carry a compass to help you…