Happy Midsummer & Sheepy Dalek XVI

Here in Sweden it is Midsummers Eve. It is the quintessential Pagan thing. It involves alcohol, BBQing, Herrings and well… You guess the rest.

This week will be the Name of the volcano, the name of the lavas, and the name of a famous Drink from the region. So 3 points to grab.

Lovely picture, you will love the answer to this one! Click on the image for a larger picture.

This week I got a real hard one sent to me for a lava picture. It is one of those where google picture search won’t help out at all. Also we have a rather evil mineralogical Riddle from Alan to sink our teeth in.

Last week we saw a rather supreme leader come out of the wolf-pack.

The Score is:
6 Spica
4 Ursula
4 DFMorvan
3 Diana Barnes
3 Lughduniense
3 Talla
2 Doug Merson
2 Hattie
2 Schteve42
2 Irpsit
2 Stephanie Alice Halford
2 Cryphia
2 Sissel
1 Jim
1 Luisport
1 Heather B
1 Jamie
1 Henri le Revenant
1 UKViggen
1 Alan C
1 Bobbi

Regarding the Mineralogical Riddles that Alan has been putting up, we have tallied up a board for those too:

The Score for Alans Riddles is:
5 Talla
2 Sissel
1 lughduniese
1 purohueso745
1 KarenZ 1
1 UKViggen 1
1 Ursula
1 Henri le Revenant

Alans Evil Riddle of the Week!

Oh dear, what was this ‘cashier’ trying to ‘cook the books’ in?
What am I?
Where is my home?
What large in me?
And since this is Midsummer Eve, here is an instructional video on how to do it Swedish Style:

686 thoughts on “Happy Midsummer & Sheepy Dalek XVI

  1. COPE Tenerife @COPE_Tenerife
    El Comite Científico del PEVOLCA se reunirá esta tarde para analizar la actividad sísmica registrada en las últimas horas en El Hierro

    Tenerife COPE @ COPE_Tenerife the Scientific Committee of the PEVOLCA will meet this afternoon to analyse the seismic activity recorded in the last hours in El Hierro (Translated by Bing)

  2. ,, The IGN studied the succession of earthquakes recorded last night on the island of El Hierro25-06-2012… 09: 36 – Ministry of economy, finance and securityThe Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) has confirmed at the address of the Plan of Civil protection by volcanic risk (PEVOLCA) that last night there were at least 40 earthquakes around two degrees of magnitude, with peaks of up to 3.4, in the municipalities of Frontera and El Pinar El Hierro.This succession of earthquakes is being studied by the IGN, whose conclusions will be transferred to the address of the Plan “, source: ‘ http://www#gobiernodecanarias#org/noticias/index#jsp?module=1 & page = note # htm & id = 149588′”,,


    • Oops…
      This was a rather good tidbit.
      Here there where large enough quakes in sufficient numbers to really make me sit up straight in the chair.
      40 earthquakes ranging from 2M to 3.4M is most likely not a good sign.

      This explains the increase in harmonic tremor, or the other way around, the harmonic tremor level explains this.

      The harmonic tremor + Earthquakes. Hm… Hello again my Bob.

      Since the conduits are semi-open, or still possible to blow out I would say that currently eruption will resume within the week. I will keep my eyes on El Hierro very closely the next week.

      • What I meant with my last rather cryptic comment is that there is not sufficient resistance in the conduits for a high pressure to build up, so a new eruption would start with less signs than the previous eruption.

        • I agree Carl, but even then the current set of Magnitudes can be considered as very strong. IGN will be puzzled that the quakes are almost all happening now below the island and not in the Las Calmas sea.
          HT means there is flow but where too ?

          • I agree. This is strong for being in the current phase of the activity in the Tanganasoga volcano. It is going the same way, but how far the same way?
            I will try to answer that in a few minutes.
            I am on the phone right now checking a couple of things, then I will write a post on this.

        • Always provided the new intrusion is in the same place! The pro is that this conduit is already open and thus presents the path of least resistance. The con is that because this conduit is already open and thus presents the path of least resistance, there shouldn’t be this number and intensity of earthquakes. It’s a bit of a conundrum.

          • Clearing of the conduit. Part of the conduit has probably collapsed, and there is also most likely a rather hefty plug of solidified magma in the way.

            I will explain more in my post…

          • Carl, nowhere near enough time for the conduits to have solidified. Collapsed, yes. Solidified, no. I know and respect the need not to needlessly alarm, but should we too be guilty of playing Nemesio’s game?

          • Yep. The underground has been “cooking” for a while. The structure of the reservoir volume (all “chambers together”) might have evolved… And still I’m coming back on what remains the clue about El Hierro in my opinion. The volcano there is Tanganasoga. It has started a reactivation. Noone knows if it will end or go until a bang. Bob happend to act like a pressure release valve and maybe brought the thing to an unspectacular end. But maybe not.
            Collapse of the conduits is possible. I’d even say to an extend that “closes” Bob. Solidification takes more time deep below. It’s magma, not lava. And as henry sais very well, we don’t know exactly from where and where through the magma come its way up.
            Really worth keeping an eye on.

  3. wouldn’t surprise me if they closed the tunnel with the EQ getting stronger and more of them, there are rock falls in the beach area reported

    • The number of quakes is rapidly rising. It seems that another larger one has just happened at ~8:56, according to locals (AVCAN). They are all concentrated in the area of the peaks, depths between 17 to 22.

  4. Julia Sisi has just postted this on the Avcan FB Page:

    de las 10:04, se sintió muy fuerte en Los Mocanes, con sonido como un trueno

    on 10: 04, felt very strong in Los Mocanes, with sound like thunder (Translated by Bing)

    This I think was in relation to a 3.8 EQ around the same time.

    • being closer to the coast would be a relief for the population, also HT is slowing down a bit, still med with smaller quakes

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