Schaturday Schummary: Kamchatka.

Kizimen, my personal favourite erupting on 3 12 10

Kizimen, my personal favourite erupting on 3 12 10

So, to kick us off: an apopolylogy, an announcement, an appeal and some articles from our very own Ukviggen:

“Apologies if this has been mentioned (been away 🙂 ) but it seems that the end of the Tolbachik eruption was *tentatively* called on the 24th.”

Webcam; if you want to check:

“Since my laptop was stolen I lost all my links – can any kind soul let me have the link to the daily reports? They were much more detailed than KVERT’s and very useful for tracking things such as the above news. I guess I will have to wade through all that Cyrillic again to find them if not…”

Cryphia found a clue:

Something like this?

If not, that link may be in one of these beauties:

El Nathan:

And Geolurking:

If Tolbachik has really given up there’s always:

And Granyia’s rather wonderful multicam page:

Why am I giving you all these links following the tentative announcement that the eruption has finished? Because Kamchatka is one of those busy; fairly well monitored, volcanically very active spots…


“As you know, the volcanoes from Kamchatka are pretty active and in particular Tolbachik is still erupting.

This is the update for the Tolbachik- Shiveluch area from July 30th to August 23.

The side colorbar shows date on the left side (earthquake color is according to date) and terrain elevation on the right side.

The title bar shows earthquake count vs total, date span and current event date.

Circle size is proportional to magnitude (see scale on the plot)

The video is in 3 parts.

First part is a day by day view from the East, second part from the South and third part is a rotating plot.

The Magma reservoir under the zone @ about 30 km depth is still pretty active.

Shallower activity is more prevalent under Shiveluch and Klyucheskaya Sopka (swarm on 15 and 16th august).

The Tolbachik area is pretty quiet comparatively.

Data from NOAA and, made with Gnu Octave and avconv.”


Photo of Klyuchevskoy volcano 21 Aug 2013 by Y. Demianchuk:

And this report dug up by Pyter:


Granyia again:

“Just a flying visit to show you a short timelapse of Shiveluch erupting:

<img src=”; alt=”” />

I found this new website dedicated to Kizimen volcano (within EMSD site), including current state, RT seismogram, technical details of monitoring equipment and more. It can be set to English or Russian language. Thanks to the team who created it (all women 🙂 )!!!”

Nice time- lapses of Kizimen 21st– 22nd August; courtesy Tom Pfeifer:

Schteve x

63 thoughts on “Schaturday Schummary: Kamchatka.

  1. Wow Schteve! That’s very cool. “спасибо”

    And thanks chryphia – that’s so nearly almost the link! The same information is available in English which saves a bit of time translating, but its buried deep somewhere

    Meanwhile, Tolbachik isn’t actually quite ‘dead’ yet – there have been occasional spurts in the last few days.

  2. It seems like there have come some news on the Mudcano.
    Fittingly enough it seems like Italgas have drilled there for pipelines of natural gas, and that have upset a pocket of gas under overpressure from the watertable. And here is where it gets funky, they at the same time blame magma pockets and natural processes (rotting romans and roman crap) at the same time.
    I think we will have to wait a while for the definite answer.

      • I am in Boris land over the weekend

        If so, and you happen to make it by Longarone, the dis-used Vajont Dam was the site of a October 9, 1963 tsunami that overtopped the damn by a reported 200 meter high wave that then hit the valley floor and caused a lot of damage.

        Google Earth show what may be the scarp from the landslide off of Monte Toc. If it’s accurate, think of the Mt St Helens land slip but with no cryptodome to explode. It appears that is how large it was. It’s like half the mountain slid down into the reservoir.

        Side Note: The failed slope appears to be an ancient sediment stack, with the bedding plane dipping towards where the reservoir was at. I think GeoLoco noted to us in a past post that this was the typical hazard area for slope failure.

        Monte Toc failed slope image

        Natch, someone had to get on the anti geologist bandwagon.

        On 12 February 2008, while launching the International Year of Planet Earth, UNESCO cited the Vajont Dam tragedy as one of five “cautionary tales”, caused by “the failure of engineers and geologists”.

        I don’t know if four years is long enough for the water in the reservoir to increase the pore pressure of the rock where the scarp face formed. But according to Wikipedia, mitigation efforts were underway when they discovered that there was a problem. Rather than blame the geologists, how about pointing out that some bureaucrat should have noticed that there were a few towns there with a lot of mass in threatening position up towards the dam.

        Like most catastrophes, it was a cascading collection of errors and failures that culminated is something really bad happening.

        And yeah, a few Black Swans were at play.

        I think that if UNESCO wants to get on and ride the blame bandwagon, they should take a long hard look at the arsenic poisonings in India and Bangladesh. They seem to be associated with a few wells that were put in by various aid organizations… right into an aquifer that was literally loaded with arsenic percolating off of ore deposits in the Himalayas.

      • Mmmm … arancini, ice cream and the sort of wine that tastes like the nectar of the gods when you are drinking it on Etna’s foothills, but you probably wouldn’t even cook with it once you got it back home 🙂

        • I have not gotten out of Catania today, but I have eaten my way across the city. Found a nice cheece with the power of a particularly sulphuric eruption. The cheeze is now a thing gone, and I look like an anaconda…
          2 lunches, two dinners, and two in between meals… thinking about a midnight snack now… *burp*

    • Ref the roundabout mud volcano:

      Great…. looks like somebody is nosing about for a lawsuit.

      Farking lawyers. I hope their genitalia spontaneously ignite.

      … The hypothesis, which is shared by scholars attending the summit, is that the leakage of natural gas has been facilitated by up to standard, required by law, some pipes made Italgas right in the roundabout. Operation that required a drilling carried out at a depth significant enough that, in all likelihood, contributed to the manifestation of the geyser.

      Here’s a solution I bet they don’t try. Take those pipelines that they are bitching about and fill them with concrete. Likewise, side drill into the vent and back fill it with concrete also. Then leave it and tell them to pack sand when they don’t have natural gas service. Let them go bitch at mayor Montini and his lawyer staff.

      … oh, and enjoy the winter. They won’t all be mild. Some can be nasty.

      It must really be a twisted mentality when someone looks at something like that, and the only thing that they can come up with is how much money they can milk it for.

  3. Forgot to write:

    Thank you for the post Schteve!
    Nice with a death summary for our current favourite Tolbachik, hope that we get a new one fairly soon.

  4. So I was looking at the SakuraJima cam today like I usually have going in the background, and noticed something that I had noticed before, but it seemed more apparent now than before.

    I made an animated image of it so people can see what I’m talking about (have to wait a few seconds for animation to kick in). The image isn’t great, but should be enough to demonstrate what I’m talking about.

    My question is – is this a fault or fracture forming on SakuraJima?

    -The steam was emitted during a small eruption from the Showa Crater. When the eruption was at it’s height, the steam emissions were stronger, and when the eruption stopped, steam emission also stopped.

    -This is clearly not normal cloud formation as it occurs too perfectly along a linear path, and only occurs in the area above that path (which is where the fault/fracture presumably is). In other words, the steam seems to be emitted from a linear structure on the slope of the volcano’s eastern edge that would extend roughly towards the summit.

    I suppose my question is, if this isn’t a fault or fracture, then why would steam be emitted in such a perfect line on the volcano, and do so at the same time of a strombolian eruption? The other question assuming this is a fault or fracture system, is whether this is new, or something that has been observed well in the past?

    Note – this isn’t ash being emitted from this area, but I do believe a fault or fracture could release heat or volcanic gases, which would result in the creation of steam or gaseous clouds as seen in the animation.

    • They do have a trough down the side of the mountain in order to contain lahar flows. It runs all the way down to sea level and it is pretty straight. Maybe it caught a debris flow and you’re seeing steam coming off it it.

      Or maybe not. Really depends on camera angle.

      • It isn’t a manmade trough – the area that the steam is coming from is located on the slope of the southeast side of the summit, where there are no troughs. That said, I checked on google earth, and there is what seems to be a small bit of a groove running down that side of the summit which could influence things. Unless it were a very large eruption, I don’t imagine it would have gotten any debris stuck in this groove as the eruptive products were being blasted in the other direction.

        • I’m guessing it has something to do with the changing of the dew point as the air rises above that ridge. But who knows – i’m not a meteorologist or volcanologist.

            • I agree. in Aerial fire fighting we called them “Water Dogs” and they can fool one into thinking
              that there is a fire or heat source causing the cloud. Though sometimes there is a heat source too. Chased a fire that went big on fire patrol on the Willamette NF some years back.
              what happened was the thunderstorm caused a lighting fire that smoldered and provided
              a heat source to cause the cloud above it to condense. There were other non fire water dogs in the area. but it was one of those things that didn’t quite look right. I had a Sierra Hotel
              Observer with me and she said: Fly as close as possible” . so I flew on a steady sourse above it and knew if the wind changed and we went into the cloud that we wouldn’t hit
              anything (this was a nasty, steep, drainage) as we flew by, we opened the air vents in our
              Cessna, and guess what? -Smoke! thing went to 2000 acres due to wind…

  5. EQ 4.5R 214 km NE of (Station) Nord, Greenland 2013-09-01 08:49:19 UTC+00:00 10.0 km

    Party not over at Langjökull? Some of them most recent there appear line themselves along the edge of the south west central volcano of Langjökull.

    Rather quiet at the moment here – some rain has raised level of Hekla SILs but these are false alarm (I think).

    Much SchRussian content in this thred, I so bring up more Iceland, only for counter-balance 😉

  6. Hi

    Thanks to Schteve for this much than complete summary !

    I made the August monthly update for El Hierro. There are some changes, I added some new views (day by day for instance with fixed view angles). I have also supressed the old clusters in yellow and magenta to concentrate on the present situation. I have kept the bathymetry only for a number of sequences. The geographic limits have been set closer to the island except for the last zooming view where they are wider.

    – Update for El Hierro island earthquakes from August 1st to 31st

    On the first part there is an event by event animation, showing the date (look up the left scale of the colorbar).
    The terrain color refers to elevation (see right scale on the colorbar).

    In the title you can see the current rank of the event vs Total, the day and time of the day, and finally the magnitude.

    The view angle is constant with a small tilt to better see the topography. The view is from the south. La Restinga is on the right, Orchilla on the left.

    Circle size is proportional to event magnitude (4 times for the current event relative to older events).

    There is a black circle on the left after August 16th. It shows a small triplet of quakes which are a little apart from the main cluster.

    These quakes happened all on the 16th. Their magnitude is small but the location is a bit strange.

    I have added the strongest earthquakes locations (mag 2.9, 2 and 2.1) on 15th, 24th, 25th and the last Mag 2 on the 28th highlighted with an arrow.

    The second and third parts are day by day earthquakes animation. Date is shown on the title bar, views are from the East then from the south.

    The third part is a rotation showing all the earthquakes circles.

    The fourth and fifth parts are a rotation to a top view showing all quakes and back.

    The blue mesh is the bathymetry around the island.

    The last part is a zoom centered on the last event. I have changed the limits to start from a wider view compared to the other sequences. The cluster of quakes in June and July west of Orchillan is then visible. It shows also that the activity there has nearly completely stopped.

    I have reduced the depth scale to concentrate on the present action so a few quakes maybe missing.

    I have also supressed the former yellow and magenta clusters which were all the quakes from July 2011 to end of May 2013 for a better view.

    The black circles are events for June and July 2013.

    First the activity west of the the western tip of the island is still nearly non existent.

    On the contrary there are still the 2 active earthquake clusters, one located under El Pozo/ Sabinosa and the other more to the east of that under El Golfo. For the second cluster the activity is now more prevalent and is deeper. The cluster under El golfo keeps being the most active since the last update (Aug 15th) so that is a change from the previous period (August 1st-15th) when the main activity was located under El Pozo-Sabinosa.

    The 2 clusters are still quite distinct with a small “dead zone” between them. This can be well seen at the beginning of the video but also around 2’33 and 2’48 in the zooming part of the video.

    Also the magnitude of the quakes seem to go up a little for the last days (more quakes of mag 2), and the last one (@ mag 2) is also deeper (19 km or so).

    Data from IGN and NOAA, made with Gnu Octave (Linux version) and avconv.

  7. Most of the regulars will know that I watch Stromboli…
    Why? Not just because it’s a near namesake but because Schtromboli and it’s Aeolian neighbour Vulcano weren’t always “pussycats…”
    Vulcano wasn’t known as the forge of the god’s fer nowt 🙂

    Stromboli tonight from the Pizzocams…

  8. I went to the GVP website, clicked on a (Cascade)volcano and found this.

    “We are currently experiencing database problems, so the eruptive history is not available at this time. We expect to resolve the problem, and have the dates for all eruptions in the last few years available, within the next couple of weeks. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

  9. Dogs…

    One of ’em will patiently sit, waiting for something to be tossed his way. He isn’t the swiftest thing on four legs. Usually it will bounce off his head instead of catching it.

  10. Hello all, and thanks Schteve!
    Two screenshots of Klyuchevskoy from today: During the day – as if butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth:
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    At dusk, seen on the Bezymianny webcam (cropped and enlarged):

    Also visibly erupting strombolian fashion are Shiveluch and Kizimen.

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