Friday Volcanic Riddles

Stunningly beautiful picture by Martin Rietze.

Stunningly beautiful picture by Martin Rietze.

Here in Volcanocafé we try to be as close to scientific as possible, and we always try to educate those who believe in doomsday. Up untill now we have called them 2012ers, but to be honest that is getting rather antiquated, and calling them tin-foilers is a bit insulting to the tin-foil.

In a shear stroke of pure Genius Henrik gave birth to the word Nibiruistic, and in turn comes Nibirism, Nibirist and so forth. Here is the comprehensible explanation to the word written by the man himself:

Nibiruistic (adjective), used to describe postulations, interpretations and opinions on natural phenomenae coloured by a wish for disasters on a Doomsday scale rather than based on scientific merit. The word is derived from Nibiru, the fictional planet invoked as the root cause for the disaster predicted by the Mayan calendar that would end the world on December 21st, 2012. Since the Mayan calendar was very ambiguous, it could be said to be the archetype for a Nibiruistic interpretation. Nibiruism (noun), a statement based on a wish for a disaster on a Doomsday scale rather than on scientific merit.


Today there are 5 Riddles to hopefully torment the brains with. 2 points if they are solved before I hand out clues, 1 point after clues.

1. To doggedly dog where no dog hath dogged before (on a pure reflex, who owned the dogs) – Pavlof (solved by Shérine, 1 point)

2. Double quinted MFTDTN (root form of the latin word behind quinted, first clue. The first half is a riddle that in itself is a clue to the name of the volcano that is hidden in the cipher. It should be possible to solve this one from both the clue, and by brute-forcin the cipher. Mike Ross solved the first part, at least almost, just go from 10 to the more volcanically obvious…) – Merapi (Henrik solved the cipher 1p, Mike Ross 1 bonus point. Talla 1p for figuring out that it was a Decade Volcano.)

3. Hm, well the riddle needed a sentence before it could start since the start starts with number two and not number three. I hope you understand, here starts the riddle: 2, 3, 5 , 7, 11, 13…, leader that once was prime of H2O (This volcano is named after a person, he had 3 titles, two are within this riddle. He rose to political prominance) – Churchill (solved by Talla, 1 point)

4. The smoking river bulge – Theistareykjarbunga (Alison 2p)

5. Far from towering edifice you will still find my name (Same name as a famous billboard for Citroen) – Eiffel (Talla, 1 point)

Have a nice weekend!


225 thoughts on “Friday Volcanic Riddles

  1. 5. could be anything from Vulcano (volcano) to Katla (>kettle>caldera) or something like Litlahekla. There are also several volcanoes in Iceland bearing the name Snaefell and iIrc there are a few volcanoes in the Andes bearing the same name.

    • Never mind the English skills…its the numbers that do my head in. But am still laughing about Dogging… Mike the Weegie says its cold when Dogging in Glasgow, he should try it in Aberdeen on a Frosty night 🙂 I bet they do it in Sweden too, but just call it something else.

  2. Paraphrasing Cato, “Nibiruists delenda sunt”.
    The Sakurajima picture is worth….a lot.
    5 – Mount Doom ? or maybe the lonely mountain. JRR was a volcano fan, but his description of an eruption is not very realistic. In this case I would say very fluid basaltic lavas, with a lava lake for melting the ring.

    For the El Hierro fans, there was a 2.1 quake today, always near the farm near Tanganasoga.
    Plot on its way.

    • Can’t see tremor in Oraefajokull but this volcano has clearly became more restless (albeit still little) since the recent times as activity has picked up across the entire Vatnajokull.

      Its probably many decades of many intrusions until we see an eruption, which usually are of large rhyolite and explosive/ violent type. Last ones were VEI4-5 in 1727 and VEI5-6 in 1362 (this one of the largest in Iceland’s history).

  3. No. 1: There are two volcanoes called Cerberus (the hell-hound). One is the stratovolcano of Semisopchnoi in the Alutian Islands and one is the Dome of Trident volcano in Alaska.

    In need of the Sheepy Dalek Bar this evening as it’s raining here in Wiltshire – Autumn has arrived, although it’s still quite mild. The first gale of the year is forecast for the weekend.

    • I need the bar to tonight, but for other reasons. Had a tough week to say the least.
      Interesting version, but not the one I had in mind. I think you will agree with me when you get to the answer.

    • I reckon the new station is somewhere over the northwest side of Bardarbunga, about 5 km away from the caldera edge, because the entire caldera is completely under the ice cap and as far as I know there is no ice-free part of the caldera going above the ice cap (like there is in Grimsvotn).

      Another note: (yesterday I was commenting on it, but the computer crashed): the south Iceland seismic zone is not a volcano-free zone. There are active volcanoes in the SISZ like Grimsnes field. But eruptions are pretty rare (at a rate of about every few thousand years in the whole of the SISZ). Since the ice age, around 5 to 8 small eruptions occurred in Grimsnes spread across different monogenic cones. The largest was up to a VEI2 or VEI3.

      Actually during large tectonic episodes in SISZ, intrusions are known to occur but its pretty difficult for the magma to reach upwards, because of the slip lateral motion. Still sometimes in rare cases it does erupt on the surface, but its mostly small eruptions.

      Towards the east of SISZ, there are is also evidence of eruptions of the late Pleistocene. As there are in the west part (like Burfell, Hestfjall, Vordufell). I estimate a rate of eruptions around 1000 to 10.000 years between the episodes. Its about 1000x less frequent than under Vatnajokull, and about 20x less frequent than on Reykjanes.

  4. 5 years ago we had a very large financial volcanic eruption, it was the collapse of Lehman Brothers on 15 September 2008, which had catastrophic effects for the global economy. The aftereffects of this eruption, like the European government debt crisis (V.E.I. 5), stringent austerity measures and increasing poverty are still occurring today! The collapse of Lehman Brothers was a V.E.I. 7 eruption with massive pyroclastic flows, massive ash fall all around the globe and a caldera collapse. If it was a V.E.I. 8 eruption, the whole financial and monetary system would have been completely destroyed. The financial volcano began rumbling in the summer of 2007 with the subprime mortgage crisis in the U.S.A.. Some smaller eruptions were happening in 2008 when the pressure in the huge magma chamber of the financial volcano was building up, culminating with the V.E.I. 7 eruption when Lehman Brothers collapsed.

    A new V.E.I. 7 or 8 financial eruption is still possible today, the financial volcano is closely monitored.

    • LOL! 😀 You forgot to mention the huge amount of lava spewed by politicians across the globe in direct consequence of this eruption!

      • Those would be pyroclastic flows… the Ignimbrite would be all the new regulations that the @#$@#$ bags have left us with. Dunno whether it’s welded or unwelded tuff.

    • Lehman Brother was similar to the event to the crash of 1929. Therefore, I think it was more like a VEI6, which happens around twice every century. And the current depression is still smaller than the depression of the 1930s or many other depressions of past centuries. In the 1930s many bank runs occurred, how many bank runs occurred in recent years? A few but not that many.

      A large VEI7 would be the collapse of economy but still not the civilization. That is what could have happened in recent years but it didn’t. Its a bank run sparking a severe collapse of the social order and its economy. With severe consequences for each country. Something like Rome falling or like the Great Famine in the 1310s.

      A VEI8 is a global nuclear war, the near elimination of our civilization. Just like the scale of eruption of Yellowstone or Toba.

      Somehow inside me, there is a feeling that both a VEI7 collapse is going to happen and it is even necessary, because the current system is so unsustainable, unfair and corrupt. Even beyond my judgment, the system is very unstable, so a crash will eventually happen before a new system is set up. In my opinion, there is a golden opportunity to do it now, but politicians and bankers always prefer to keep status quo, even if it drags a crises for many years until a crash, rather than change things for better,

      • I think that the stock market crash in 1929 and the Great Depression that followed, was a V.E.I. 7 event. Bankruns were occurring during this eruption and the whole economy collapsed. I think that the Lehman Brothers event was a V.E.I. 6 eruption like the Krakatoa in 1883. And the crisiswas a V.E.I. 4 event and Nine Eleven was a V.E.I. 5.

        • The only VEI -8 the world has suffered was the Tulip-investment crisis. It took close to 100 years before the economy was larger than at the height before the crash.

    • Hello!
      If you look at the waveform of the earthquake you can see that it is tectonic in origin, a conclusion further sustained by the density quake plot.
      More than 99 percent of all earthquakes are pure tectonic earthquakes due to tectonic separation.
      In reallity poor Yellowstone is a rather boring volcano to watch. Yes it can still erupt, but if it ever happens it will be rather small.

      • thanks Carl, I am just a lurker here and enjoy the learning experience. I saw the quake on a USGS tweet but didn’t investigate it at all. Just thought it was interesting because of the M of the quake.

        • There are those in here that are better on Yellowstone, but there have been rather large tectonic quakes there on occasion.
          Welcome to our merry bunch kitebeach!

      • Ruminarian VI goes into a bit on the power of steam. Above a certain depth, water will flash to steam due to the lesser hydrostatic pressure. It is above this level where Geysers are driven from. Anything below a certain depth, the water will be above the critical point pressure and can not form steam. No matter how hot it gets. This depth is around 2 km or so.

        Several posts back here on VC, the idea of a “dead zone” came up. The thought was that in the old Eldga and Laki rift eruption area, the rock was still too hot to generate a lot of seismic activity. Rather than fracture, the rock just bends to accommodate the stress.

        These two phenomena are likely present in a histogram of the depths of the last two hundred quakes in the Yellowstone network.

        Notice the peak around 2 km, and the roll off at deeper levels.

        Yellowstone is driven by the same hotspot that formed the volcanic structures all along the Snake River plain. After a large caldera event, there will be resurgent activity as the caldera is filled back in with eruptive material. This has been going on for 600+ thousand years or so.

        Contrary to the hoopla about yellowstone being overdue, if you take the average period of each of the large caldera events, you will find that the average recurrence interval is closer to 2.5 to 5 million years, not the 600 thousand that the media likes to hop around about.

        A couple of years ago, there was a quake swarm originating under the lake that then traversed to under the north shore over a period of a few weeks. The depth of that cluster trended shallower as it went along, and was a much more likely indicator of stressed moving towards where the next caldera center would be at if you ran a simple DR track based on past centers.

        Will Yellowstone erupt in the future? Most likely. It will also likely start as an odd grouping of phreatic events. At the most, it will likely be a simple infill event. There have been far more of those than large caldera events.

        • Dunno about that. What I’ve written is sort of a summary of what I have learned over the last couple of years or so.

          The next targeted post is for the Rio Grande Rift… if I can ever find my previous references and bone up on it. It is however, a much more complicated critter.

          Yellowstone is doable, but I think that there may be others lurking here with a more comprehensive understanding of the thing. If they wish to fold my info into a post, they are more than welcome to use what I have and/or expound upon it.

  5. “Nibiruism” is one of the greatest and most elegant inventions of this blog ever. Sorry Carl, Spica and all. All of a sudden I became totally devoted to this new sect. 🙂

  6. Carl we need an explanation here! What does *Double quinted* mean or refer to?

    1. A sequence of five cards of the same suit in one hand in piquet
    2. Music; interval of a fifth
    3. (Jamaican English); to squeeze the inner vaginal muscles ie kegel exercise but specifically during sex
    4. Quinted; a summoner on the Europe West region. League of Legends PC game

    • Or one of a group of 5 – quints (contraction of quintet). Or something to do with Quint in Jaws (“We’re going to need a bigger boat”).

    • Well, definitly not number 3. But thank you for bringing it to my attention.
      And not number 4 either.
      Not exactly number 1 and 2, but in a way related. Just add it up and all will be clear 😉

      Edit: Just think of the root form of the word.

  7. As I am sitting here I am watching one of my computer screens do an odd sort of delamination. It looks like the pattern you can get when paper with ink get wet and then dry. Difference here it is kind of pinkish zone of wetnes spreading. Sigh… That was my 28 inch EIZO going to visit Hork the Gozerian. Surprisingly enough two weeks after the warranty ended.

    • two weeks after the warranty ended.

      Then the design engineers have met their tasking.

      Generally the LCD panels that I have to replace have had much more nasty things done to them rather than simply aging past the warranty period. The last laptop I did took a leap off the back of a motorcycle doing 70 mph. I’m guessing it was somewhere on a trail, an interstate drop would have left a lot more scoring of the chassis than it had. (E6400 XFR)

      This laptop must have been cursed. After it was repaired the first time, lightning took out it’s network port. That was my first time on it. A few months Later it decided to quit charging the battery or powering the unit. That was a motherboard replacement.

      This is the critter with 30,000 screws to remove the bottom panel. (It’s not that many, but it feels like it)

  8. No. 1 – Sorry but someone has to say it – Hawaii is great for USA Dogging – I wont post the link though as some may be offended 🙂

  9. Pingback: Word of the day | Zoopraxiscope

  10. My comment vanished 😕

    Been watching Sakurajima. Lots of activity on the left side of the Showa Crater but none so far on the right side, which is unusual …..

    DragonEdit: Nothing in the Dungeons except the complimentary chocolate chip-cookies. They are fresh, juicy and homebaked.

    • “I can take about an hour on the tower of power
      As long as I get a little golden shower
      Oh God I am the American dream
      With a spindle up my butt till it makes me scream”
      Bobby Brown by Frank Zappa

      Just by knowing this lyric out of my head I guess I belied my comment up above about not being Kinky. And as things would have it, I love both the music and the books of Kinky Friedman (next Governor of Texas).

      When I was young I worked in a record store. One idiot comes in and ask for the the single Frank Zappa by Bobby Brown (the dude that was married to an american female singer who drugged herself to death whom I forgotten the name of since I have not had second coffee).
      So, I played Zappa for him, he said “Yepp, that’s the one”. He buys it and pick up the LP and says, “Heck, I did not know Bobby was white”…

  11. A double-quinted decoding gives us RAYZOS (there being no RAIZYI volcano, alas) who turns out to be a North American summoner of the League of Legends previously arrived at with the Western European summoner Quinted.

    Once is nonce
    Twice is a coincidence

    • Sorry, double quinted is a clue in and of itself, not a clue to hove to solve the cipher… Look at the meaning of the root form of quinted and then do the operation with the first word in the sentence. That should give you a clue about what is hiding in the cipher.

      • Hmmm

        Double quinted MFTDTN

        Well the root of ‘quint’ means ‘five’.

        So double quint = 10

        So I guess the cipher is going to involve adding (or subtracting) ten from the letter position value (where a=1, b=2 etc.), or maybe from the ASCII value – or EBCDIC value if feeling really evil.

        Unfortunately kids need to be put to bed and I’m out of time. Exercise for the reader.

        • Semi-Ding!

          Well the first four lines you wrote was correct, and most likely the two last ones 🙂

          You are on the road… and you are awarded a Bonus-point!

          • Where did you get the *+/- ?
            10 is the correct answer, of sorts… Just ruminate on in what capacity and form of the word 10 has to do with volcanoes.

            • Carl, a double quint could be moving +5 (A to F) and -5 (M to H) on alternate letters as the distance transposed would be ten places, your double quint.

              However, I suspect that the sought-for answer will turn out to be a third summoner from that online PC game…

            • And the 10-place transposition I did last evening. Moving fwd yields WPDNDX, backwards CVJTJD – neither of which are of any use or makes any sense unless you’re thinking hard about changing a log-in password or two.

            • I never said that the clue was about how to solve the cipher, just that it was a clue to what the volcano behind the cipher is… 🙂

    • Impressive, thank you Chryphia! I notice that all the surface around Etna is breathing as well, of course it’s still near to the volcano. But it makes me wonder if not the whole surface of the Earth is breathing like this, probably less, but moving up and down in bulges all over. We are all swimming on magma, so to speak, even if it does not come out. I would like to see a visualization of that, but is probably not possible due to lack of data and to too big size ratios.

  12. Has No. 2 soemthing to do with Decade volcanoes? Can’t make the letters fit though…

    The human equivalent of poking a stick into an ant nest is changing the layout of your local supermarket. Ours has been undergoing a major refit and today was the first busy day after the holidays – pandemonium! Little old ladies wandering about completey lost, mothers demanding the manager show them personally where everything has been relocated, young men roaming about looking for the beer. Frozen food is now where the beer was, crisps and crackers are where dog food used to be. Some strange things – whisky opposite the milk? Baby clothes next to dog treats? I’m sure it will all settle down soon and we’ll soon be going up and down the aisles in an orderly way like we used to – but meanwhile it’s great for human watching. A social anthropolgist would have a field day! 🙂

    • Re-arranging the shelves is a marketing ploy. A method of population control as I have yammered about earlier.

      Products get moved around in order to force you to look at the rest of the stuff on the shelves in the hope that you will see something else to buy. It’s also the reason for “loss leaders”. Putting something at a pretty low prices (and advertising it) in order to just get you into the store. A related tactic is “bait and switch” but that is usually illegal.

      • To small.
        Normal tectonic activity, there should really be far far more activity in spain than that we are seeing. For some reason a faultline that should be highly active has been dormant more or less for the last 2 to 3 thousand years.

  13. Knock, knock.

    14.09.2013 10:51:49 65.118 -16.364 6.5 km 2.4 99.0 3.5 km NNE of Herðubreiðartögl
    14.09.2013 10:39:43 65.109 -16.396 5.4 km 2.0 99.0 2.4 km N of Herðubreiðartögl
    14.09.2013 10:17:26 65.118 -16.389 4.6 km 1.7 99.0 3.3 km N of Herðubreiðartögl

  14. 3. The first six prime numbers, Pontus the primordial Greek deity of the sea or Poseidon (Neptune in Roman mythology) god of fresh water and seas. Err…

    Moving on – Erebos (Ἔρεβος), the primeval god of darkness, his mists encircled the underworld and filled the hollows of the earth

    Mount Erebus

  15. Always make sure your zipper is up. If you don’t something could fall out and embarrass you.

    Likewise, make sure your doors are closed before you taxi out to the runway and take off.

    Southwest flight takes off with cargo door open

    “I couldn’t believe my eyes,” he said. “I couldn’t believe a plane as sophisticated as they are would take off with the cargo door open.”

    Southwest says no one was hurt, and maintenance was called out to check the door.

    • Even in the the DC6/DC7 there are warning lights on the cargo hold. good friend is a
      Southwest Co-pilot he lives down the street-he’ll have some insight…
      Not smooth in my opinion….

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