Sheepy Dalek – Name that Lava II!

After the first installment of the “Name that Lava” competition I discovered how insanely talented the crowd in here are. It just took a few hours to get the correct answer.

The winners so far

In just a short little span 4 points was awarded. The standing is now 1 point each to Schteve, Jim, Heather B & Luisport. Congratulations to them!

This weeks contest

Photograph by Hailey. Please click to see a bigger version.

This installment of the competition comes from my dear fiancée “Hailey”, who found a rather hard one, I could for one not get it.

This time I want the volcanic complex responsible for this odd one, and the name of the particular lava flow. Extrapoint if anyone can give more info than that. A hint is to go rather geological here on the scale of it.


During the last couple of days there has been a bit of discussion on how to cut/paste things from here into other sites, as well as how to best do it in here. I favour simplicity. I am happy with people copying things, but as Lurking said, I want people to know that I am the idiot who wrote it to beginn with. Here is my prefered way of how it should be done.

1. Make a summary of it in one sententence.

2. Make attributions; name and organisation (or site) of who wrote it.

3. Put in a link to the original place where you got it.

I also would like to ask for a bit of help. I am going on a business trip next week, and since Ursula is also travelling and Sissel is on a much deserved walkabout we need another moderator in here. I like to keap it tidy. It actually takes surprisingly little time.

So if you are an oldtimer (been around since the start or longer) then I would really be happy if you dropped a line in the mailbox.

335 thoughts on “Sheepy Dalek – Name that Lava II!

  1. It seems green algae and coraline algae (pink). hahaha

    The green colour is olivine or peridot… not obsidiane.
    Come on for the pink… hahaha

  2. I need wine! I’m sure I’ve seen a rock like that before – but I just can’t think where! Now I need to glug some alcohol and look in my brain and books to see if I can find it (I bet I don’t but I’ll have a fun evening looking) 😀
    Welcom back Carlos! GeoLoco has been pining for you! 😉


    Comment by regarding the videos posted from the ROV.

    Solo veo en el video tres cosas, la pendiente del cono volcánico, los peces y cenizas en abundancia pero el resto de lo que leo en el articulo no.
    Formación de chorros calientes convectivos que alcanzan profundidades de unos 40-60m y proyecciones piroclásticas de unos 40-50 m de altura.
    A seguir esperando. 😉

    Just see in the video, three things, the slope of the volcanic cone, fish and ashes in abundance but the rest of what you read in the article no.
    Formation of hot jets convective reaching depths of about 40-60 m and projections about 40-50 m tall pyroclastic.
    To continue waiting. 😉 (Translated by Bing)

  4. M 4.9, Sea of Japan

    Date: Friday, March 16, 2012 18:37:55 UTC
    Saturday, March 17, 2012 03:37:55 AM at epicenter
    Depth: 426.20 km (264.83 mi)

  5. Hi Talla…
    I´m sure I saw that purple colour when I was looking in the last competition…

    It would be nice if somebody find interesting things while is looking for this lava then publishing here…
    I am sure in the last compettion we found a lot of interesting and curious things and images while we were looking for that lava.

  6. Comments from regarding the ROV mission.

    Translated by Bing.

    The volcanic focus of El Hierro is still active, but life already claims his site

    A submarine robot chartered by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) has proven that the volcanic focus on the island of El Hierro is still active, but also that life is returning to fill their spaces, despite the serious deterioration suffered by this ecosystem.

    ULPGC has managed to obtain these data thanks to the scientific equipment boarded the “Atlantic Explorer”, the ship that he decided to rent to continue to investigate the conditions of the El Hierro underwater volcano once the Spanish Institute of Oceanography declared the campaign of the “Ramon Margalef”.

    The eruption of El Hierro was completed on 5 March, when he was serving five months of activity, but the Scientific Committee which advises the protection Civil versus risk volcanic Canary Islands Plan (Pevolca) has warned of even associated processes would continue a time.

    “A volcano not turns off from one day to another, as if we gave to the switch.” “Activity continues, the temperatures remain high and there is such a concentration of ash, which has been impossible to determine the height of the cone, because everything is confused,” he has told this Friday at Efe Professor of the Faculty of Sciences of the sea of the ULPGC Antonio González, one of the participants in such investigations.

    The underwater robot “Atlantic Explorer” cameras have found in their dives of this week still seen in the water on the crater that scientists have called a “lluvia de estrellas” – remains of incandescent material – and that the Volcano still projecting pyroclastic of large size, which rise from 120 to 70-80 meters deep and return to sink.

    The robot has been able to settle, for the first time in the cone of the volcano, on its Southwest flank, and pointed out that this slope has a steep slope and is formed by large pyroclastic, some of them similar to the hollow volcanic bombs that emerged to the surface in November and December.

    Their cameras have managed to also record in the vicinity of the flank, at a depth of 170 meters, a Bank of fish – possibly amberjacks-moving through the area under a rain of ash, as shown by a few images broadcast Friday by the ULPGC.

    The cameras have also grasped that, despite the deterioration suffered these funds of the calm sea, in the vicinity of the volcanic cone observed small organisms confused with the ashes and that near the surface, there are jellyfish.

    Antonio González, Member of the Robotics and computational Oceanography of the ULPGC Division, has acknowledged that a surprise is how fast that is returning life to the environment of the volcano, when there were moments in which the eruption left almost no oxygen these waters and created extreme conditions.

    “Nature is giving us a lesson when it shows a Bank of fish approaching the volcano attracted by the lights of our robot, while we continue looking at the eruption with fear, despite the fact that it already does not entail any danger”, he assured.

    Moreover, she added, the volcano has become the iron “a first-rate laboratory”, because it allows to investigate how organisms adapt to conditions extreme “as the were in the primordial Earth” or such as those that exist on other planets.

    Among other things, it will serve to investigate whether one of the most primitive organisms of the Earth, the jellyfish, which even were observed in the area in full eruption, feed on bacteria that metabolize sulfhídricos materials issued by the eruption.

    • Thanks Judith, for such a concise paraphrase and summary.(The original article must of been huge…hohohohoho!)
      Interesting points raised regarding the lack of fear and trepidation of our distant biological cousins, and the fact ”Bob” is still active despite the best attempts of some to declare ”Fuego mortis”.

    • Oh my Gódabunga!
      You really made my day now, had forgotten that I renamed you after one of the Ladies dubbed you 🙂

    • Nope!
      In one way it is close though.

      Eudialyte is actually red, the process and geologic context is though related.

  7. Since the last contest proved that I have only an infinitesimal chance of ever scoring a point in these contests, I will guess early: lava from Puu O Mahana, an old littoral cone in Hawaii that contributes to a green sand beach there. (At least I learned that there are green sand beaches.) 🙂
    It looks like the rock contains olivine and amethyst.

  8. Carl – yet more post – this time relevant here (ish!)
    Has any-one given any further thought to the Burfell bash?
    Don’t forget us in UK have the b……….. olympics to contend with airport/traffic/strikes-wise and July isn’t too far away……………..15 weeks

    • Yepp, time to decide.
      For me weekend around saturday 14 or saturday 21 works fine. Also the weather is probably best around then.
      So please feel free to take you pick before I arbitrarily pick a date 🙂

      Alan, I know of a splendid chap that build the worlds largest trebouchet up in the Highlands in case the airplanes are not doing what they should do… 🙂

        • Wow! I have never seen a trebouchet THAT big before! Trying to launch the car was a massive fail though, I thought it was going to fall back onto them at first. Loved the flaming piano.

          As to the lava, no chance of my having even a remote guess except it looks like olivine and amethyst to me and I would SOOO love even a small chunk of such a pretty stone. I didn’t know lava could be so beautiful so once again I am learning something on here.

  9. My second guess is lava from an extinct volcano near Talofofo Beach in Guam. Now I have exhausted the green sand beaches. 😉 Again, the rock seems to be olivine and something purple, still working on that…

  10. I think the lava is cratonic mantle root, from the Kimberley cluster of kimberlite pipes, South Africa.

  11. Good Evening all!

    mmm. It looks like a type of marble, although I couldn’t imagine anyone putting that in a viewing case.
    Would it be some type of purple jade from the middle east?

  12. (Slurp! slurp!) That claret is good! I’ve been distracted by larvikite from Norway. But it’s not that. 🙂

  13. Totally off topic, but totally The Earth…
    To those interested, use full screen and adjust the sound to nearly maximum and enjoy …What a fantastic world this is!

    Just hear those words in the video
    ”From this vantage…we see our own civilization, echoing back the energy in the universe, we glow, as if we are one unified organism…”

    Fantastic words!

  14. And a bit of fun in Iceland…

    Krafla is having a bit of tremor…

    And to Henrilereverants undying joy I am happy to say that Theistateykjarbunga is having a bit of popcornlike quakes. They range from -0,3 to 0,5M. They show pretty well here:

  15. @ Newby. Glad you liked the picture. I forgot, you love snow. Here is one of my eldest daughter’s garden in the frost of December 2110.

    I had this as my wallpaper on the laptop to remind me not to go back to the UK in winter, ever again!
    My eldest Granddaughter, who is 6’1″ in last years snow.

      • Oh Heather, those photos are beautiful!! Especially the frosty one, can I save it for a background photo please? And what a lovely looking young lady your grandaughter is, you must be very proud of her.

        • Of course you can save the photo. I always thought that if a photo was uploaded to a public site that it was for sharing, but thank you for asking and pleased you like it. Thank you, Newby, my granddaughter Clare, is a lovely girl in all respects. She graduated as a radiotherapist last year and works in the cancer unit at Cheltenham hospital. Yes, I am very proud of her.

  16. I’ve found the picture of the stone that was in my head! It’s a fluorite! No help with the competition at all but at least I know I wasn’t going mad imagining things. Up very eary tomorrow to BBGN all! Scheep tight and don’t drink the bar dry! 🙂

  17. I’m still up! OK – just to show what a complete numpty I am at this business: it’s a potassium feldspar matasomite known as Charoite with Canasite found only on the Murun Massif, Sakha Republic, Russia (volcanic event – Siberian Traps). Feel free to poor scorn and tell me I’m wrong BBGN ! 🙂

  18. The sample is a flood basalt with phenocrysts of olivine, the darker mass and he purple ones are possibly amethyst. to the rear of the sample which has not been cut and polished are rounded nodules on the surface which are possibly gas bubbles. This again suggests a flood basalt as the lava is less viscous so the bubbles easily rise to the surface
    The presence of amethyst points to the lava flow in the Parana basin,in southern Brazil.

    Just a guess and a bit of googling here!

  19. Well this is a toughie !. Still – ploughing through lots of rock samples and learning along the way. Not sure yet but starting to narrow it down……..

  20. Can I have a hot Toddy please? I never made it digging! I started to feel awful, headache and achy all over so I turned round, did necessary shopping and pottered doing little bits round the house before giving up and retiring to the sofa.. I suspect a virusy cold thing. Off to bed soon and a good sleep will hopefully see me back to normal tomorrow. 🙂

    • Now haven’t had one of those in a while. Shot of whisky, some hot water and spoon of sugar or honey ? Clears the tubes nicely ! Hope you feel better tomorrow – saw the pictures of your plot – looks a lot of work to do. Thank goodness mine is much smaller than that.

  21. Howdy All!

    I’ve seen a stone similar to the Quest-pic in Dalarna of Sweden. I think it is a very-very old rock from the crater of “Siljansringen”. A crater made of a rather large meteorite many mills of years ago.


    Cheers! 8)

  22. I’m really curious about how this one turns out.

    From the name of the picture, “Troll Mountain” I get a spot in Norway called “Trollberget”… somewhere in the vicinity of 64.15°N – 19.9°E.

    With Diane’s statement of

    The sample is a flood basalt with phenocrysts of olivine, the darker mass and he purple ones are possibly amethyst. to the rear of the sample which has not been cut and polished are rounded nodules on the surface which are possibly gas bubbles. This again suggests a flood basalt as the lava is less viscous so the bubbles easily rise to the surface

  23. I’ve struggled with this and have not been too certain about the scale of the piece. Thinking that Carl’s fiancee ‘found a hard one’ is related to the rock 🙂 I’m going with a good old granite. This covers a multitude of sins and am certain I’m barking up the wrong tree here but it’s my best shot.

    Found in N. East Scotland of course and used widely once as cobbles for our streets because it is so hard. Formed when magma is forced into strata and then slowly cools. When surrounding earth is weathered these slabs of granite can be exposed and are known as ‘tors’. We’ve a great example on Ben Rinnes nearby where we’ve often had a picnic with the kids huddled beneath the huge slabs (rounded like massive cushions} for shelter from the horizontal rain or sleet……brrr

  24. FYI, Willis Eschenbach goes into a discussion about just how much influence volcanoes may or may not have on the climate.

    I have been puzzled at not being able to find really clean and clear signals in the GRIP, NGRIP, Vostok icecores. I know the signal is there, but based on temp proxy 18-O all I see is noise. (I don’t have the skill to force anything to percolate up into the “Hey! Look at that!” realm. I’ve also explored the Central England temperature and found what to me, appears to be mostly normal noise.

    Per Willis’ reckoning, in addition to causing the cooling signal, the volcano also caused the dampening signal that tends to counteract the cooling, which caused the over all system to auto correct.

  25. OT: an updated set of 2D plots of EQs for El Hierro. You might need to use the zoom on the web browser to read it.

    • I’ve been up that way in Arizona many times, it’s not too far from the Grand Canyon, and really beautiful country, so I hope you win just because of that. 🙂

      What else is interesting is the little counter thing at the bottom of the page. It indicates who is on that website by the city where they are posting from, and the web site that directed them there. A bit too much information perhaps, but interesting none the less. While I was on the site there were three visitors from Volcanocafé, so it looks like people are taking your advice to read up on this.

      • Oops, sorry, I thought they said Flagstaff, but this Gemland place is between Phoenix and Sedona, so not up north by the Grand Canyon after all. But all of Arizona has great geological features, and Sedona attracts a new age crowd because of the purported energy vortexes in the rocks. Lots of crystal shops in that city. I’ve had some very interesting synchronistic experiences there, so I cannot rule out the power of the vortexes. 😯

      • Ah, thanks Denise and also for your copyright guidelines, yesterday.( I posted a thankyou under your post.)

        Yes, it is interesting to have one of those “where from?” counters isn’t it.

        Erik Klemetti’s old Eruptions Blog (way back) got very busy from all over Europe when
        Eyjaf was erupting and it impacted flights. I think a lot of people got interested in volcanoes/volcanology as a consequence of what had initially just been a right pain for them being stranded due to the ash. So now we have a much more diverse group of enthusiasts and jolly good fun it is too!

        Always good to find something good in something bad – everything has a silver lining however small if you search hard enough for it. Rarely is something completely bad. If a disaster e.g. like a flood causes people to help one another and build flood defences it was still bad but not completely and, in this example, could save thousands of lives in the future.
        Enjoy your day.

  26. Too tired to type correctly. 😐

    Last guesses: Prasiolite from Brazil, or greenish quartz from the Thunder Bay amethyst mine in Ontario, Canada.

    BBGN everyone!

  27. Good Morning/Evening Everyone

    These comments are from Raymond Matabosch blog .

    They have been translated by Bing.

    He stills mentions the Fumeroles in the North ??

    Blog 66270_Des-rosa and of épines. eruption of iron every day: March 16, 2012. Friday, 16 March 2012 at 14 h 30 the eruption, as pointed out it yesterday and days before, obviously. Several points are incrits in water and demonstrations on the surface of explosions hidromagmáticas are increasingly more visible… In addition, the Explorer of the Atlantic is some distance from these points… is there any reason to do so at the point of approach too close? It is more, a webcam with a view to confirm… Friday, March 16, 2012 00 to 19 h there are rumors that the webcam “store plieraient” March 17… do would be a political act as it was the Declaration of PEVOLCA announces the end of the eruption under the calm sea water? Admittedly, the tourist season, in a few days, passing its peak in the Canary Islands and the curious press on the island of El Hierro… What risks to fear? The eruption of Las Calmas, is far from being bent and the top of several eruptive episodes, out of La Restinga, Puerto Naos and Pinar, maximum between – 50 and m – 70… Furthermore, the natives still feels explode and underground noises throughout the Northwest and Southeast crack, and some of them are forms of fumaroles in the cerro El Julan, account, every day… All these events in the afternoon on the surface, in various areas of the Mar de Las Calmas, between La Restinga and beyond, Pinar even gets close to the entrance of the port of La Restinga, noted the resumption of explosions hidromagmáticas… Webcams are valuable for those who cannot follow the eruption only through it and for me that points more consistent and eruptive located on the axis of this campaign: March 16, 2012 © Raymond Matabosch come 16 mar 2012 2 comments good night, Raymond, the new video of the expected:**

  28. BBGN guys, so far I just can’t come up with an answer that I am happy with, so I will hunt again in the morning. Good luck all.

  29. Good Morning everyone. Definitely not 100% myself this morning so planning absolutely nothing for today.
    I have a major complaint about this site though.
    I dreamt about that lump of lava. How addicted I must be when I dream about rocks and geological hammers!!!
    To be fair I think I had a slight fever last night which tends always to make me have weird dreams.
    Anyway despite the in depth thought processes I am still no nearer a definitive answer! 😀

    • If your weather is what we had yesterday (wet and breezy) the couch is the best place to be! Anyway the digging will be easier after the rain, right? I’ve been at it all week hoping the rain forecast would appear because now I’m waiting till I can walk up the stairs without saying ‘ouch’ before I go back to it. You don’t want that.

      And as its St Patricks day, its never too early to start the on the hot toddies. Happy St Patricks Day all.

      Be well.

    • Hope you soon feel better Diana.Stick to the settee today and let others care for you for a change. I found out long ago that as soon as I am on my feet everyone thinks I am well. I suppose it is because I hate laying about and resting. Life is too short for too much of that but sometimes it is the best way of cutting short a virus.

    • I also dreamed of lava flows and mountains – but I don’t have the excuse of being ill! I hope you feel better soon and that it is a 24-hour bug. Taking it easy is the best way. I neglected a cough over Christmas and paid for it with a chest infection in January – so cosset yourself until you are 100% better.