New comment page

Havre Caldera Pumice Raft.

Hello all!

Due to a technical meltdown that is currently under investigation by WordPress the comments on the previous post got heywire.

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187 thoughts on “New comment page

  1. Well… fudge.

    Okay, something to yammer about.

    Bayou Come, near Belle Rose Louisiana, has had bubbles percolating up through the water. Some local residents were concerned, and articles tying it in with recent seismic activity came about.

    A more recent development, is that a pretty sizable chunk of the swamp nearby turned into ooze, and the Cyprus Cypress trees there sank into the ooze. The ooze became the consistency of a slurry, and anew sinkhole was formed.

    It turns out, that the event(s) may be connected with nearby salt extraction that may have penetrated the boundary of the Napoleonville Dome. The presence of diesel on the surface of the water in the hole slurry is a tell tale sign… diesel is used to keep the water from dissolving the upper part of the extraction area.

    Things that make this sort of alarming.

    Crosstex Energy, Inc uses the lower parts of the Napoleonville Dome to store Propane and Butane. Based on what I can discern, they seem to share the same formation but at different depths. I could be wrong, but that’s the way it looks to me.

    It’s at this point that I start pondering the soundness of extracting salt from the top of a domes when there is a sizable quantity of high pressure flammable gas being held in place by the salt… that is being extracted from above.

    Dunno how it’s gonna turn out, but there is a lot of alarmist propaganda out there. I would like to pull the well depths of the different concerns, but so far have only found the site that may have the data… it may take some time for me to get anything usable out of it.


    A mostly sane article about it.

    And, a pretty good mapping of the known events and features.

    GL Edit: Swelling error corrected… {gotcha}

      • I love cyprus trees… A bottle of wine and char grilled haloumi cheese, your beloved, a nice cuprys to sit under and watch the sun set over Nicosia. 😉
        A Cyprus tree would most likely be known in the rest of the world as an orange tree.

  2. @Volcanocafe,

    Sorry, I had not agreed to my video being put in a post on the Gems pages and nor did not I want my youtube account made quite so public. Please remove the link.

    And bear in mind that the video you posted is not creative commons so please note that the copyright is “© KarenZ, 2012. All rights reserved.”

    Thank you.

        • I know the discussion is over still as long as i have caused it…
          I put it there because i thought you d feel left out, and as you might remember, i had asked which plot you wanted. And you added a comment with a plot

          You are already in the hands of a data-kraken because youtube belongs to google: The most private thing there is nowerdays are blogs, google or yourtube or facebook make money with the data supplied by users.
          So i am asking you to please never again post a youtube-link here, because people can klick on.. watch on youtube and then they see more of your name and whatever you uploaded there under this name. In case you want to discuss it further, please do it via email. My email is to be found on the page microscopic images.
          Sorry for the inconvenience, it wont happen ever again.

          • I did not know when removing the youtube-movies and so on, that they where placed there with previous permission from her. If I had known that I would never have bothered to remove them.

      • Carl,
        The post I emailed you cites one of KarenZ’s youtube plots – I’ll revise the article.

  3. I find this little thing in Iceland to be fairly interesting. There have been a few small swarms in that part of the fringe of the caldera before, this one was rather precise in it’s location though.

  4. I was talking with someone today, and an interesting topic for debate came up.

    Since a “supervolcano” isn’t really a scientific term, what actually defines a so called supervolcano?

    Or more specifically, where do you draw the line between something such as Toba, to a smaller, but still huge caldera such as Taal or Campi Flegrei? Would volcanoes like Laguna Blue, Kikai, or some of the Mexican Rhyolitic Calderas be “Almost Supervolcanoes”, or would they just be “ridiculously large calderas”.

    I just think it would be in our best interests to define what constitutes a supervolcano and what doesn’t constitute one. I suppose a system that *can* go vei 8 would be good criteria, but there are so many volcanoes that fall slightly short of that, but are insane in their own right that it’s hard to classify them as normal stratovolcanoes or whatnot.

    • This is a very interesting question.
      I sometimes use the term supervolcano myself, even though it is not an accepted scientific term. I have even went so far as to invent the term Hypervolcano™ for the LIP events.
      My point being that a large flood basalt event is actually quite often deadlier than a supervolcano.
      During the last 1000 years we have not seen a large flood basalt. Laki was rather modest for instance, and even the two largest during the last 10 000 years (Veidivötn and Storahviti eruption of Theistareykjarbunga) was not more than speedbumps compared to a LIP flood basalt that ranges in the tens to hundreds of thousands of cubic kilometers of lava poured out.
      So, another aspect is that a supervolcano is not that super.

      Personally I would say that any eruption passing a VEI-7 or 50 cubic kilometers of lava is fairly super as a volcano goes. Why? Because it will affect a large amount of people as a best case scenario.

      • Would “Megavolcano” work? Perhaps not quite as “Super” as a supervolcano, but still huge? I think if we’re defining this, a megavolcano would be a largescale caldera or stratovolcano that can potentially put out 50-300 Cubic miles of tephra in an ignimbrite style eruption. I would think a megavolcano eruption would be insanely powerful and have a dramatic impact on humans (depending on location however) but wouldn’t be quite as much of a global catastrophe as a full scale Taupo, Toba, or Altiplano blowout would be.

        • Since the term was invented for Yellowstone it should perhaps be used only for halfway imaginary volcanoes… I prefer to use the VEI-scale, even though I do not like it. Why do I prefer it to supervolcano? Because it has some kind of understandable built in mechanism for quantification. Super, mega, hyper is kind of really not defined…

    • Well, since “supervolcano’ is a media construct and has no formal definition, I think we can safely make our own.

      I treat Large Caldera Events as those the destroy the underlying “chamber” structure or suffer a piston style collapse of the overlying crust.

    • There is another way to look at it that takes you away from Mr Micawber (Income £20, expenditure £20, 1p = misery. Income £20, expenditure £19, 19s, 11 p = happiness) – the area affected to the point where there are serious consequences. Mt St Helens though devastating still only had local impact. Thera affected the whole (Eastern) Mediterranean region while Toba had global consequences. So if St Helens is a large and nasty volcanoe, Thera could be described as a “supervolcano” whereas Toba would be a hypervolcano – and we don’t have to measure exactly how many cubic kilometers of DRE or trillions of tons of sulphur dioxide were emitted.

    • I think frontera is the city ( just like Bing always makes iron out of El Hierro) — it is not rotten eggs i do not know what it is
      would be correct(er)

    • Hi Judith
      “from Frontera the breeze brought whiffs of a strange odour, it’s not rotten egg, but I don’t know what it is…” (my Spanish is not great btw)
      Goggle/Bang can sort of translate these things, but they usually need some “polishing” to make sense x
      Thanks again for all your digging around in Facebook though, don’t ever go there myself, don’t and won’t have an “account” 🙂

        • Avcan was founded in 2009 this is about them:

          AboutThe volcanoes within the reach of everyoneMission-Encourage, stimulate and promote knowledge and study of the volcanic phenomenon in the Canary Islands.-Promote, in a responsible manner that reversal of these knowledge in society.Company OverviewCurrent volcanic Canary Islands (AVCAN.ORG) is the web portal of the “Association Volcanologica de Canarias”

          • I’m not meaning to get at anyone, least of all AVCAN…
            I was just pointing out the limitations of the Translatorbots…
            “that reversal of these knowledge”
            (without seeing the original)
            translates as:
            the dispersal of this knowledge…
            This is assuming the above was an Translatorbot job x

          • I don’t speak Spanish. But I have had two courses in it… enough to pass, but with no re-enforcement, about all I can do is rudimentary stuff, like understanding not to stick my finger in there or to watch my step.

            But… I do understand the difference sentence structure, and understand how the Mangleators come up with some of their oddities. I find it entertaining.

          • There’s been some discussion here about AI…
            The babylonian discombobulators are possible contenders…
            (though they need to train up to beat the Curiosity Schkycrane…7 minutes of terror indeed… for those guys staking thier careers on it!!!)
            (and those cruise missiles and the auto- targeting naval anti missle turrets)
            These programs (bds) are designed to be auto- didactic (self taught)
            As I understand it they work ont principle of “where and how many times have I seen that particular combination of words before?” And “how were they translated those times?” And then; based on an complicated algorithm they “select” an “best fit” translation…
            As noted above; Gleegle seems to be the hands down winner in the Babylonian Discombobulator schtakes… Why?
            Because the top o’ the food chain data- kraken has access to more written material.
            Why are translations from Folkbook etc so particularly indecipherable?
            Cos it’s text speak; no grammar, no punctuation. no etiquette even…
            I’d bet my (sure- fire!!!) lottery win on Grockle making a better translation of Anna Karenina from Russian into Spanish; against a similar volume of Spanish Fleecebook material translated into Russian…
            Any takers? 😀

          • Schteve, I am impressed. You insulted Farcebook more in one go then I ever have done previously. Fézbook is of course also a data-kraken. But in opposition Frootbook has not as a motto “Do no evil”, instead they have “Shag the user” as a motto.
            On general principle I do not like Goorgle, but I can admire them somehow. Facehork is only an evil dream by a moraly corrupt moroon who should be incarcerated on the eightenth moon of Uranus-Hertz.

          • In my post of 21:37 there is a very good description of what one islander is now smelling and tasting in her mouth and throat.

          • Hydrocarbons leave a distinct taste when you get it in your mouth. I know this because we kept having fouled tanks on one of the ships I was on. Toothpaste and Kerosene don’t go well together, and when you shower you have a distinct tractor trailer aroma about you.

            I don’t know what HCL would be like.,.. though I imagine it would sting like a royal @#$ even in low concentrations.

            I’ve done work as a Firefighter, and can tell at a whiff whether a housefire or a forest is responsible for the smoke… they have their own flavors. The same can be said of Cypress vs Pine vs Oak forest fires… and the lowly trash/dumpster fire.

            The current Low / High structure seems to be in a position to where some of the aroma from the other islands might be wafting over El Hierro… and no smoke is without some effect. Even sinuses can inflame and give you problems.

            Best to see who complains of the dizziness. Are they in general smokers or non-smokers? Smokers tend to have a higher tolerance for fine particulates that would otherwise irritate a non-smoker.

  5. Another islanders comments just posted.

    La vibración la notas Ingrid, ahora mas que yo, yo tengo nauseas, mareo, presion entre los ojos y taponamientos exporadicos muy cortos de los oidos… mareada como un piojo!

    The vibration the notes Ingrid, now more than I, I have nausea, dizziness, pressure between the eyes and clogging exporadicos very short ears dizzy… as a lice! (

    • Another explanation.

      Goodnight, forgive for not entering today, but things have prevented me, the sismisidad has been followed so that my head has been in a continuous “hangover” already I said that earthquakes are not similar to the last crisis, it is that they seem not to.
      Today I have been in San Andrés part more high of the island and I have noticed (confirmed) sismisidad.
      Now odors that a few days ago I come cometando, I describe them as I perceive the scent now at home: “is like when you smell diesel and that withdrawal you still bitter at the throat, mixed with boil burnt wet and it’s all dry, moisture is conspicuous by its absence”.

      • Judith,
        Does she mean diesel exhaust fumes? There’s not much sulphur in diesel these days. But might exhaust smell a little like burning Gomeran forest?

        • No she does not mention any fumes at all she says it tastes like Diesel

          Buenas noches, perdonar por no haber entrado hoy, pero cosillas me lo han impedido, la sismisidad ha sido tan seguida que mi cabeza ha estado en una continua “resaca” ya les he dicho que los sismos no son nada parecidos a los de la crisis pasada, es que ni se parecen.
          Hoy he estado en San Andrés parte mas alta de la Isla y he notado sismisidad ( confirmada).
          Ahora los olores que desde hace unos días vengo cometando, les describo como percibo el olor ahora mismo en casa:
          “es como cuando hueles el gasoil y se te queda aquella retirada amarga en la garganta, mezclado con hierva quemada humeda y esta todo seco, la humedad brilla por su ausencia

        • I think she means the smell of liquid diesel… I can virtually taste it, just reading the description, she’s not describing London at rush hour…

        • Hi Peter, I think it very unlikely that the people on El Hierro will be smelling the forests burning on La Gomera. When the fires in Adeje, just 4km above where I live, were raging, the strange thing was I could not smell it..I had ash and charcol bits of burnt bark raining down over my house – the fresh breezes that have been blowing over the Canary Islands today, make me think it is not possible that los Herreños can smell smoke from Los Gomeros.

  6. Could it be these gases being released :

    Sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide are both sulfur-based gases, and unlike carbon dioxide, have a distinct acidic, rotten-egg smell. SO2 can combine with water vapor in the air to form sulfuric acid (H2SO4), a corrosive acid; H2S is also very acidic, and extremely poisonous even in small amounts. Both acids irritate soft tissues (eyes, nose, throat, lungs, etc.), and when the gases form acids in large enough quantities, they mix with water vapor to form vog, or volcanic fog, which can be dangerous to breathe and cause damage to the lungs and eyes. If sulfur-based aerosols reach the upper atmosphere, they can block sunlight and interfere with ozone, which have both short and long-term effects on climate.

    • What is being reported is a strange smell (schtrange schmell 😀 ) but NOT rotten eggs…
      In one of the other avcan quotes someone mentioned diesel… that would point towards the Gomera Forest Fire theory… Pines and Laurels; which are the trees a burning on La Gomera are very resinous trees… for me that may explicate the schtrange schmells 🙂

    • Yes, I agree and I didn’t want to say anything, but it’s getting a bit too much…

      Judith, here’s a homework for you: you are obviously good in Spanish and a native English speaker, so please, do not use the online translation! Post the Spanish sentence, as you do, and then, please, please, translate it yourself into normal English. Please?

    • I just consulted Carracedo’s Los Volcanes De Las Islas Canarias (so much easier and more reliable sometimes) Frontera (El Hierro) is ~100km from Garajonay (La Gomera) The Daily Fail link above mentions 11% of La Gomera burnt or burning…

        • Just had another look at the Fail article linked above,
          I walked (down) Valle Gran Rey from Arure when I was last in La Gomera… exactly the area that’s endangered/ burnt/ burning.

    • How’d he make that depth getting shallower? IGN’s plot indicates they are still around 10km down:

      And I dont see a trend in the IGN-table he gives.
      Might he be comparing this swarm with the earlier one?

        • There has been a lot of very low cloud over Canaries today, when I looked out this morning, I could not see the ocean, all I could see was a beautiful layer of low cloud, just leaving me with a view of the tips of La Gomera, El Hierro and La Palma, that was at 7am this usual with the sun rising, the heat made the clouds disperse, there has been quite a bit of humidity today…but as the forest fires in Gomera have pretty much stopped now (no flames , just the heat pockets on the groud) I think it very improbable that the smell on El Hierro is coming from La Gomera

  7. The US Army Corps of Engineers built a model of the Mississippi river at it’s waterways experiment station in Vicksburg MS. The purpose was to determine how and where flooding may or may not occur given certain rainfall and river conditions.

    Scale ship models are built of metal and signals are transmitted at them in different angles in order to determine the radar cross section at various orientation.. the same is done for aircraft.

    With the advancement in computing, a lot of the grunt work goes into numerical modeling, deriving a formula or formulas in order to get a handle on processes to see what would happen given certain input conditions. These models can then be tested against real world data to see where they are deficient, and to correct them as needed. (at least that’s the way it’s supposed to work, though some organizations seem hell bent for leather to adjust the data to fit the model… hello climate “science”)

    Anyway… here is a rudimentary model that I have made using data in “Stratospheric Loading of Sulfur from Explosive Volcanic Eruptions” Bluth et al.

    Click to access BluthJG.pdf

    CO2 Conversion to Sulfate

    A bit of warning about the curves… They may not be fully representative of the actual levels converted from the adjacent curves. If you assume a gram to gram conversion, then they are close. Most likely that will not be the actual conversion, nor is a single solid pulse of SO2 happening at one time very likely. This mainly a conversation piece so that we can think about how the mechanics of it work.

    • For Carl and the more math skilled.

      The e-folding period for SO2 to Sulfates is about 35 days.
      The e-folding period for Sulfate removal is about 6 months.

      The way I calculated the sulfate amount is to subtract the remaining SO2 from the initial quantity (using exponential decay with a lambda of 1/35), then applied the sulfate decay Lambda of (1/(30 *6)) and then added the newly converted sulfate from to that amount.. then repeated the process for the nest time increment.

      My gut feel says that the sulfate curve should be much longer (fatter tail) than the SO2 curve, but it’s not.

      Any ideas?

      Note: I even applied a value correction of 1.530905629 to account for the addition of the other parts that make up H2SO4.

      (SO2 = 64.066 g/mol H2SO4 = 98.079 g/mol)

      • Grrr… I just wound up doing a proof that my calculation of Lambda was correct. I was sort of hoping that I had screwed that up.

        Now it’s going to either be that my process is wrong, or that it’s correct. If it’s correct… I’m probably gonna need someone to explain to me why it is.

        (that’s a new one.. prove to me I’m right)

        Bah.. bed time for me. Murphy’s law says I drive tomorrow.

        • The answer…

          The atmposphere is naturally full of ligtht stuff as hydrogen and Oxygen. To get things to sink you need to add something heavy. Sulphur is comparatively heavy. So if you add sulphur you get a gas that will be heavier than the general air mixture.
          The thing is that you looked at the specific weight, and that is different since H2SO4 is a large molecule compared to SO2. But the displacement value is roughly the same for both, so they have the same boyancy factor since the weight will be equally distributed over the atomic size, so in the end the H2SO4 will have to displace about twice as much other molecules. You get the drift…

          Also, Brownian motion. If the air was still in an absolute sense of it gasses would get stratified fall times. But, since wind and other motions (like the Brownian) will blend things up and pretty much eradicate any differences between the gasses.

          So, back to your gases going poof. If memory serves the main reason for them disapearing is due to precipitation and energy insertion (by for instance UV light). Precipitation forms in a zone, the same for UV break up, and the boyancy will give both gasses equal time in these zones. So, the curves should really show pretty much the same time.
          But, please note, chemistry is not my strongest point, so this was a bit about how the physics for it would be.

          For the rest, Brownian motion is the little known fact that molecules have a random and measurable vibrating motion due to quantum foam that makes it impossible to predict the motion of the molecule. It also affects dust. Look at dust that the sun shines on closely, it will move erraticaly even if the air is very still. And oddly enough, this little effect of the miniscule quantum foam increases as the scale goes up. So the combined Brownian motion for the atmosphere is aking towards being the largest tumbler ever. Do you think this does not affect your daily life? Well, without Brownian motion and quantum foam you would be frozen sollid.

  8. I got the washing of the line with sleet coming down and then snow, I think the worst of the front has passed now, was blowing a gale, went down to 3 deg, rrrr that is southern New South Wales, in Queensland there is fire weather warning, which is early in the season for it, Australia is a continent with different climate regions, weather changes are a part of life and we pesky humans are not the cause of it, volcanoes certainly do spewing all those goodies in the air and seeding clouds, blocking out the sun, come to think of it, the latest batch of volcanoes are a gassy bunch, earth is having hick ups, meterorites giving us noc…clouds, sun had a beautiful rainbow, na snowbow it was, unreal to look at.I better go and feed the animals after rugging up first, they are OK, I call them wooly jumpers sometimes, early feeding so they drink before frost settles, I put hot water on the droughs in the mornings to melt things, the fish love it when I do that, the chooks stay in the nest boxes to keep warm. I was nursing Red, one of my cats earlier on, he had a fit…or something, scared the living daylight out of me and him too I suppose, he is walking again, a bid slow, so better keep an eye on him

    • I have a couple of Adirondack chairs in the back yard for when I want to sit an enjoy watching the squirrels dodge the hawk.

      The grandkid’s dog ate them.

      It’s a lucky dog. I have a mind to take a 2 by 4 to him… but I am of a less excitable mindset than I used to be.

      • I know how that feels, Marvy my big boy has a taste for cats, I got a deal with him as long as it isn’t my pets, he needs a strong hand that one, other then that he is good, he was a rescue dog, was a learning curve for me, I thought I knew everything there is to know about animals, dogs in particular, yah. just gave Red some milk, I have a feeling he is telling me something I don’t really want to hear

        • It sounds like poor Red might have had a stroke, and not the kind that cats like. Give him a chuck under the chin and a rub behind the ears from me. (And I’m from a part of the world where a chuck is a tickle, not a chicken!)

          • it was scary, he lifted of the bed(his)was on the floor trying to get his head and legs under control, I picked him up, holding him tight and massaging his head, at seems to work, time just stood still there, he has been walking around a bid, had something to eat/drink and is curled up on my legs under the workstation, everybody else is behaving which is a bid odd, so might as well catch some shuteye, he will be 12 in the first week of November, he is sleeping alone, looks like the others give him space, they all normally pile on top of each other, while I was out feeding Nikki old girl cat stayed with him and was all lovey dovey, they normally have a bid of a argy bargy

        • Oh I miss my dogs so much. Max was part Labrador and ate everything. As a pup tried to eat the sofa. As an adolescent he ate some poisoned meat that a local animal hating nutter threw over the wall. As he staggered and frothed at the mouth I poured a strong concoction of mustard and water down him. He never threw up and by the next day was eating again. He only parted with his food mouth-wise on the last day of his life. I knew then he was going to die.He was 14. A good age for a Alsatian x Labrador.
          @ Ursh keep warm and shleep well.
          @ Minilurker good to see you again.
          @ DebbieZ I am glad you are ok and the fires are dying.

          Now for thoughts volcanic. I certainly think something is happening again below El Hierro.
          There are many small hiccups and too many reports of odd feelings and smells. Scent is the most basic and sensitive sense. An almost unperceptible odour will trigger response even if the person is actually unaware of what caused the reaction. My caveat is to always believe in my “gut” feelings. The human subconscious is a powerful survival tool.


          • A dog that didn’t barf?
            Odd one really. I grew up with boxers.
            Boxers are famous for finding nice spots to barf at. Like expensive rugs, filling up brand new shoes, and in one famous instance, the book shelf. I miss old barf-head, no dog hurled like he did.
            He died at the age of 13 due to a really bad hip, but his guts where as powerfull as ever when he died.

          • Marvy my big fellow is Labrador/Mastiff/Great Dane, his yard is, ah well realigned a few times, he digs mounds and sleeps behind them depending where the weather comes from, unreal, has a healthy appetite

      • Maybe I should clarify… he ate the chairs.

        From what I understand, Labs and Lab mixes will gnaw on anything. I caught him chewing on a piece of metal the other day.

        One of the Grandkids has a part Chihuahua and Pekingese mix that he left here when he went off to Boot Camp. Weird dog. Chases (and catches) flies. He grew up around cats, and has an affinity for chasing laser pointers. He has taught the large dog the thrill of the chase… but it gets a bit scary with a 60 lb dog going full ape @#$@ trying to catch the dot.

          • Yupperz.

            Haven’t heard from him since. (The rest of the family has, but not I.) As long as he stays in touch with his Grandmother from time to time, I’m okay with it.

        • I have been asking my neighbours to desist from letting their dogs run into our garden for a quick… before the chap takes them off in his car for a run after rabbits on the dunes, because they keep digging up our cat, who was run over last week. They have eaten most of her, after 3 dig-ups, and are now trying to get paws under the heavy slab I placed on top of the latest reburial. I have asked them (the neighbours) to please discourage them from getting a taste for cat, as our other cat’s freedom is currently under threat, as we have a shared drive….

  9. @all:
    Most of you will notice that the Internet is iffy today.
    I just lost a looooooong comment that would have interested Lurking no end.
    There will be disturbances on regional and global level today and for at least a couple of days.
    The amount of disturbance and duration depends on if any other party joins the kerfuffle after the initial First Strike.

    Blame the teddy bears. I backed up the site during the night, so all data up to that time will be safe whatever happens.

    • My PC has been horrendous for the last couple of days. I am convinced that Microsoft downloads are to blame. Touch wood and so far today I have no problems. Thank goodness I stayed up late again last night to ensure all my work done yesterday is now safely uploaded. I can relax until Monday. Thanks for the heads up though VC. I will be wary.

      • This should hopefully just affect nodes, not PCs. But on the other hand, they are using heavy stuff so nobody knows what could happen. We will see when the dust settles.
        So far it seems mainly like they are DOSing the hork out of them and that does not affect other than the targets and general net load.

        • DOS = Denial Of Service.
          You send large amounts of flawed data to the receiving server or node, a practice called invalid handshakes is involved. If you have more computer power than the enemy you can then fairly safely make certain that they are taken out during the attack. It is fairly surgical, but uses up enormous amounts of transfer capacity.

        • ERMMMM! can you explain what is happening ? (Have I just admitted to not being up to date with world news?)

          • A PR agency invaded Belarus with a homemade airplane and bombarded the country with 100 cute little teddybears with parachutes holding signs in favour of democracy and freedom of opinion.
            That got the Dictator of Belarus to chuck out our ambassador. Then we kicked out theirs. They closed our Embassy, we closed theirs and so on. Then Lukashenka thought he was brainy and made threats of killing our citizens being inside of his dictatorial country. That kind of took it to the brink of war. Lukashenka though didn’t mind since there is no practical way of doing war, he just wanted the attention of being a hard head. He forgot that we live in a new age, and that he was beefing with a computational superpower.
            So, to hit home the point that we do not like threats Belarus just went back to the stoneage in a first strike attack. The difference in technological level is comparable to the US doing an all out attack with all they have against Barbados. Only problem is that there are some nations that like dictators like Lukashenka, and if they get in the way it could get hairy.
            The actual attack just lasted seconds, but the residual effects will last for a while since some nodes will need to be reconfigured.
            Probably two small records have been set. First war started by a PR Agency, and shortest war.

          • Thank you for the explanation. If only all wars were so short! However it should remind all of us that aggression these days may not be conventional and rapidly have global repercussions.

          • The odd thing with digital warfare is that the less technological states will be hurt less by it than technologicaly advanced states. So, in fact a few government functions will have to go back to using phones and faxes for a while, and that the Dictator will be denied his daily ration of German poop-porn. And yes, someone hacked him and found out about his “habits”. I guess that explains his sprouting of a seventies porno-moustache.

  10. It seems a bit pointless taking a screen shot of Hekla his morning as there is thick Fog. It’s the first time I have seen Fog this thick on this cam. Nothing can be seen apart from a little grass in the foreground and the odd bird passing by squeaking ” Where the hork are we?”

  11. He is back after walking silently in a remote deeply spiritual walkabout pondering how to reach new levels of Evil.
    Beware, at 18.00 Blog Time Evil will reach truly new levels in “Revenge of Alan – Payback Time”. Soon in a blog near you…

    “In the Blogosphere nobody can hear you scream”

    • If you read Eruptions blog post, Erik says that the eruption was first mentioned by TASS – the Russian news agency and the Moscow Times. So the news agencies gave the info to the blog, not the other way round. Who says the other news agencies got it from Eruptions rather than, as is much more likely, from the Russian newswires?

  12. @The Dragons.
    Volcanocafe2 has been digging into things regarding yesterdays breakdown of the comments. The reason for it breaking down is that the cat comment was removed with the follow up comments remaining.
    What I do normally is either removing all the comments starting from the back, or just clear out the comment and write in it why. The last option is often the best unless it is a flame war going into the dust bin.

  13. Yesterday 16 august on the CHIE chart two events appeared which appearantly were no earthquakes (12:41 and 13:12, both lasting for approximately one minute).
    Were these LP waves?

  14. Public Health Warning:
    At 1800 hours BT Evil Alans homecoming will herald such levels of evilitude that heads might explode.

    “In the Blogosphere you are never alone”

    • No. Sound from such small earthquakes do not carry ten kilometers in such a fashion that the human ear can perceive it.
      Judith, you have still not really understood how small the earthquakes really are.

      To make the point clear. Do you hear a gunshot from a distance of ten kilometres through rock? No… The energy of these earthquakes are no louder than the gunshot.

    • A quite normal earthquake for Godabunga. Godabunga is a formative volcano that on occations has had hundreds of earthquakes per day around this magnitude without going off.

  15. Just come back from my hols in Portugal: ‘ Praia da Luz, ( “Beach of Light” ) Like most towns on the Algarve coast it was originally a fisherman’s village.
    The bay is protected to the East by the famous Rocha Negra ( “black rock” ) cliff, a product of the Monchique region’s volcano lava flow from some 150 million years ago. To the West is the old 16th century fort built to ward off pirates but now is a smart restaurant which has some spectacular views from its terraces.’

    The rest of the cliffs, surrounding the rock, were strata of red, white, grey and yellow layers, mostly sandstone.

  16. Anyway, what I really want to say is thanks for all the info on sulphur stinks and their sources. I was intending to ask you guys and gals what could possibly have been the source of a rotten eggs stink about 3 weeks ago as I was driving down the coast on Wales. You probably have no idea, but here goes:

    It had been a beautiful sun-set, in a clear milky, golden sky, and as the dusk deepened mists started rising up the inlets to the sea. I was stuck behind hay-making tractors, and all of a sudden a stink of bad eggs was really bad. Then my face started to itch like crazy, and I had to tie all my hair back off my face to stop the itching. I wondered if it was a kind of hay fever from the hay-making that had been happening all around, but the smell was in the air just before the mist enveloped the car. It had however gone by the time the mist was patchy and thicker in places.

    It was later, dark and quite foggy here and there, when I returned later that night, and there was no trace of a smell anywhere.

    I wondered about rotting vegetation, but couldn’t work out how that might be linked with cutting and baling the hay. There has been talk about drilling to look for gas and oil off-shore, but we all strongly object as it is a wild-life clean-water area, and very shallow over a large area of Cardigan Bay. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Best wishes all.

  17. Regarding Katla: Carl, this 3.8 earthquake is NOT due to ice melting. If the glacier collapses, it provokes a glacial flood, which has not happened. This earthquake is probably due to a minor magma movement, near the surface. Nothing really important because it’s a shallow quake. Its a moderate earthquake but it’s not a precursor to an eruption because it is so shallow. Magma is already shallow because there was a small eruption last summer. And probably this was just a 3.0 because earthquakes in Katla are generally poorly measured. But if you stay for a while near Katla, you can feel these earthquakes very often. I already felt them 3 times when I was hiking there these last months. They are general 3.0s and shallow ones.

    • I still will go for the glacier crack. I felt ans aw one in Greenland, and it is actually rather stupendous watching a couple of kilometers of glacier rip apart infront of you.

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